- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:36pm
Thread Topic: Cookie!
Rayne smiled kindly. "Well, thank you, my lord." She bowed slightly and glanced back, seeing all the children already underneath her blankets and sleeping.
Pablo smiled to her manners and nodded. "Your very welcome." He saw the sun fall under the horizon as he brushed the hair from his face. "I shall leave, please take care of the children and yourself." He said as he walked away with a slight wave.
Rayne smiled and sent him a small wave before walking home, only to see guards at her door. Her eyes widened. Of course! She was out after curfew and... One reached into her pocket and pulled out her coins. "Ah... Rayne, you're under arrest for theft." Rayne stayed silent as she nodded.
Not happy with my response so I'm adding on)
Rayne yelped as they bent her arm and pushed her toward the dungeon. They shoved her in, making her hit head head and fall unconscious and bleed, staining her hair. -
Pablo reached home, to his luxurious palace that he lived in. He greeted his father and mother before heading upstairs to his room. He rubbed one eye as he changed his clothes and cleaned his hygine. Shortly falling asleep on his bed, peacefully. -
Rayne whimpered as she sat up, in extreme pain. "Please, why am I here...? What did I steal?" She asked softly, holding her head. The guard simply grunted as an answer, making the blonde look down. "I'm sorry children... You may not have bread for a while..." She murmured.
Pablo heard his father talking outside his door. Which made him eavesdrop. He put his ear to the door and listened. He heard him talk about a pesant at her curfew. He sighed, hoping that the pesant wasnt hurt like the rest of the priosners. He opened his door shortly after and groaned. Passing his father and a gaurd, heading downstairs. He went down a hallway, in his large white shirt with shorts, and entered the dungeon where people suffered. He hated the fact that no one could just be free. As he looked up, spotting the blonde lady, his eyes widen and he froze.
Rayne was curled into a ball, her blue eyes closed and her head resting on her skinny arm. Her dress was torn from the slight struggle when she was dragged and she was barefoot, something she kept hidden by her dress.
"R-Rayne?.." Pablo said quietly as he glanced at her and frowned. He had no idea what she had done. He looked at a head gaurd and whined. "Why is this lady in the cells?" He as in a strict way.
"She was caught a theif, and her curfew. You reconigze her?" he said in a reply.
"Yes, no let he go." he demanded. -
Rayne heard her name and opened her eyes, sitting up. "Hmm?" She rubbed her eyes with her dirty arms, the blood in her hair obvious as she dusted off her skirt. She was actually asleep... before her name was said.
Pablo's father came in suddendly. "I assure you I cannot let that happen without a deal."
Pablo glared in his father's eyes as he made eye contact, he always hated his father. He was too hard on him, he liked tortue and was such a selfish ruler. "What's the deal?" he asked.
"She must be apart of this kingdom." He said as he crossed his arms. "She cant do as she pleases. A maid she will be, the act for saving her from suffering."
Pablo blinked twice at him nodding. He just met her, her being his pesant wasnt what he thoguht of. As long as she wasnt behind the cells for years, he agreed on the deal. "Yes, father." -
Rayne blinked, half out of it. "Huh...? A maid...?" She murmured, looking around as she pointed at herself. "Me...?" She asked quietly, finally starting to process everything. She looked around again. Why was she becoming a maid...? Why did the prince waste his time with her?
Soon, his father gave him the key to her cell as him and the gaurd. Pablo sighed as he walked over to her, bending down as he held onto one of the cell bars. "H-Hello Rayne." he said kindly with a light smile.
"Your majesty." Rayne bowed her head respectfully, unaware of the blood in her hair. She raised her head carefully, her blue eyes a bit cloudy and dull at the thought of not seeing the beloved children.
Pablo bit his lip as he nodded, seeing the blood that was dried onto her hair. Wanting to beat up the gaurds for not treating her nicely. He didnt have the nerve to say anything as he looked into her blue eyes. "Let's get the blood out of your hair and clean you up." he said as he stood up, unlocking the cell door and entering, holding his hand out.
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