A ranndomm soap/roleplay thingy :3
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:36pm
Thread Topic: A ranndomm soap/roleplay thingy :3
Vic started to run after the thief as best he could slowly catching up until she had fell. He slowed down and came to a kneel beside her, sliding a bit on his knees beside her. "Got you." said he quietly.
Nikt Novice"I got YOU" replied Hayley as she rolled right & throwed an armour at the s. g. Sadly it dragged her on the floor too. The artifact fell out of her pocket & rolled away from her. Hayley tried to grab it but the figure broke. Suddenly a white light exploded from the figure. The light made Hayley close her eyes.
Vic leaned back a bit to avoid being hit and stared at the thief, glaring at them a bit just as it rolled away. He was soon blinded by the bright white light, as he closed his eyes shut to protect them, raising an arm to help block the light out. He grunted a bit through the process.
Nikt NoviceWhen the light disappeared, the first thing Hayley noticed was grass. She was no longer in the museum. So was the s.g.
Once his vision was back he blinked his eyes to adjustment, seeing the girl, the thief, across from him before he started to look around, his eyes growing wider. "Where are we?!" he asked in a yell out loud before turning back to face the girl.
Nikt Novice"I have no idea!" Hayley replied. "Wait what are you wearing?! &... wow cool I like this dress :3" she said as she noticed thier new clothes. "Watch out!" She yelled & pushed the s.g. to the ground. In front of them was standing a monster.
Vic heard her and started to look at himself, what he was wearing just before he was pushed down to the ground qith a gasp a bit as he hit the ground and looked to see the monster. "We're bit in the museum anymore, are we?" he asked staring at the monster still, leaning up a bit.
Nikt Novice"I don't think so... But we have a bigger problem now. Any weapons?" Hayley asked looking closely at the monster's every movement
"Hmm..." Vic said looking around with his hands. "Maybe." he said as his hand soon came upon something on the ground before pulling it up. "What is this?" he asked analyzing the piece he had gripped onto.
Nikt Novice"I think it's a sword" said Hayley. "Theres something else!" She picked up a silver & black dagger. "Seems like whoever put us here wanted us to look nice while we'll be dying" she said sarcastic. "What about you move & try to cut off that thing's head? Well, at least one of them" Hayley said & attacked the monster.
"A sword, it is. Nice one at that!" Vic said gripping the sword tightly in his hands as he stood up, and stared at the beast. He nodded his head to the girl with a grin on his face. "Lets send the beast back to where it came from!" he yelled before he began to charge at it and attack with the sword.
Nikt NoviceWhen the s.g. yelled Hayley was arleday sitting at monsters back trying not to fall while stabbing it in its throat. She accidentally pushed some button on her dagger & the dagger changed into a sword cutting off monsters head. "Co-" she started. Suddenly two new heads grew where a while ago was only one. "Not cool. Don't cut off the heads, it's a hydra!" Hayley yelled. It must annoy the monster, because a few seconds later she was laying on the ground. She lost her sword. Hayley closed her eyes getting mentally ready for the worst. "So that's the end?..." she thought. It seems like she shouldnt joke about death. Suddenly she felt awful pain in her left arm. A scream escaped from her throat as she slowely started to lose consiouness(?).
Nikt Novice(I guess I'll go now, I'll be tmorrw about the same time if you want to continue it :3 Bye )
M'kay. ^^ see you then :-D )
Vic began an attack on the hydra swinging and dodging as best as he could. He heard her speak, her words as he kept as he was. He grunted and gripped tightly on the sword, as or grew longer and longer a the tighter he held it. "This will help!" he yelled as he swung in an arc 61st the hydra, cutting it a bit. He saw her fall down to the ground after a time as he grew eyes wide. "Are you alright? Don't you die on me here!" he yelled before running over to her corpse, kneeling beside her. "Hold On, and fight! Don't giveup!" he yelled staring down to her. -
Nikt NoviceHayley woke up. She didn't feel the pain anymore. Well, she didn't feel ANYTHING anymore. She was standing in complete darkness, but somehow she seen everything. Not far from where she was standing was a river with a boat. Inside the boat an old man was letting shadowy figures in after they gave him something. Hayley couldn't see what it was. Suddenly in the opposite direction to the boat an angel in black robe & with raven wings landed. "It's not your time yet" he said. He waved his hand thwards Hayley & then up & she dissolved(?) into the darkness.
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