- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:36pm
Thread Topic: Lifeline.
This is an interactive story. You guys know what that is, right? A story that is progressed via your choices in certain matters and problems. Heres how it will work:
1st. I post words which will be told from the main character.
2nd. I give you two options at the end. You must chose one. (And by you, i mean whoever wants to participate.)
3rd. After a certain amount of time, i will rally up the votes for each choice. The one which was chosen the most will decide the outcome of what we say as a whole.
4th. Rinse and repeat until the end.
Simple enough? -
Oooor you could all just ignore this. f---ing a--holes.
I'd like to do this :3
Or you could be patient? xD
I guess I'll join with Jinxy. >w -
We need 1 more person to join at least.
JellyBely26 NoviceYea I will sounds interesting
Ill post in a sec -
[incomming communication]
[esablishing connection]
[recieving message]
Hello? Is this thing working? Can anyone read me?
1. Who is this?
2. I read you. -
2. I read you.
1: I read you.
Oh, thank god! It's so good to have human contact!
Its been hours!
1. Who are you?
2. What happened? -
1. Who are you?
1 who are you?
1. Who are you?
Right, right, sorry. Should've started with that.
I was just excited to get a response to my signal.
My name's Taylor. I was a... An astronaut on board the starship Varia.
1. The varia?
2. "Was"? What happened?
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