A Monstrosity of a Soap
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:35pm
Thread Topic: A Monstrosity of a Soap
Humans have always feared the unknown. There's always something lurking in the darkness, always something hiding behind your back or under your bed, something that every one of your ancestors has prepared you to fear. Though, unfortunately, most humans put all of the work of their predecessors to waste, believing in themselves and their logic above all else. They insist that their logic is stronger than any fears that may cross their path, that no strange unknown can break them.
Usually, they're wrong. This case being the discovery of the Monsters, a species of vast and diverse creatures similar in only two ways: the fact that they are all completely different, and their ability to inspire hatred in the masses of humanity. Naturally, such hatred spurred oppression, which eventually brought on revolution and war, which slowly and painfully died back down into oppression.
Travel a few hundred years forward, and while the direct discrimination is considerably less visible, the oppression is still evident. The species are still separated, kept away from each other, except for the occasional strategic deal. The human government, embarrassed, is doing everything in its power to sweep its mistakes under the metaphorical rug of history. But doing so requires some sort of gesture to prove to the Monsters that their intentions are peaceful. They quickly come up with a plan, deciding that they'll prove their kindness by inviting Monsters into human territory, where they'll prove to them that they're just as welcome as anyone else. The first of these monsters, C1, looks conveniently humanoid. While C1 isn't eager to go, they know that doing so will pay well/clear their name/etc., which leaves them with no choice.
However, the human government also knows that C1's transition won't be easy. To help them avoid any tension, they are assigned a guard and guide. C2 is a young police officer, naive, excited about protecting humans, and absolutely terrified of the Monsters. However, this excitement quickly dies when they're forced to guard C1 (or lose their job if they decline). Though they figure they very well may die on the job, they accept, knowing the pay will be good.
From their awkward situation a bond forms, even though it's against everything both beings have been taught. The two struggle to hide it, though their secret is out at risk when a hate crime that was meant for C1 instead takes C2 as its victim.
You know I'd like to be C1. I... don't know how monstrous you're cool with my character being. -
Whatever you'd like to do, doll. I'll make mine tomorrow.
Name: Lydia Mesh
Age: Roughly 25??
Appearance: Light brown hair that is always up in a bun, neat when she's in uniform, messy when she's not on duty. Olive green eyes that have those crinkly bag things under them when she laughs or smiles yes you know what I'm talking about. Face full of freckles. Like. Everywhere. Yes they are on her legs too. Kinda light on the skin tone side, she avoids tanning because burning always happens first sooo. Tall, five five. Average body shape, not skinny in the slightest, though her job forces her to stay in shape.
Personality: Pretty much just your average joe. Be nice to her, she'll be nice to you. However, she's been raised in a very stereotypical household, and monsters make her very nervoussss.
Other: Was raised in a huge family. Is the only girl of six children, and the youngest, so she grew up the baby of the family. When she moved to the city and became a police officer, she did it to get away from her family. -
Name: Harper Kipling
Age: 23
Appearance: teal skin tone with darker and paler patches in places, more like vitiligo than anything else // long, straight, blackish blue hair // yellowish green eyes // long, thin tail with short spike at the end // dark grey ram horns // fangs // forked tongue // long, droopy ears and descend outward like a goat's or bunny's? // slim build // like 5'8-9"
Personality: Whenever I write it, I deviate from it. Sorry.
Other: Grew up with her uncle, who ended up in prison when she was 15. She didn't have many friends, but figured how to manipulate people from an early age. She detests humans, but knows that spending a few years with their kind in exchange for her uncle's freedom, which is to be granted the moment she's across the border. She was selected for her humanoid structure but inhuman appearance, and for the fact that she's one of the few who isn't absolutely terrified of humans. -
Would you like me to start?
yes please
(Can being a guard be like... a sudden, pretty much no explanation task for Lydia?)
How could the humans consider themselves normal? Even without horns, tails, fangs, wings, or really, anything else that monsters were shamed for, the humans were in no way normal. Nothing was. Of course, everything had its own norm, but also deviated from that, often on a daily basis. Normalcy, on a mass scale, didn't exist. Slight differences were what brought the world together. Average, on the other hand, was totally existent. The humans could have their average, their above, their below. That way, everyone could be slightly different, but still average. Then, their above averages could be praised, those below, shunned.
For some reason, she wasn't being shunned. Harper knew very well that she was far from the humans' average. She didn't agree with them, but completely understood that their opinion was what decided everything, from the fact that she was average to the place in which she was standing. She happened to be standing in her new apartment, overlooking the large human city. It was an above average residence, to say the least. The massive window taking up one wall of living and dining room and her bedroom was quite impressive, and the area into which it spread light was more attractive than any other place she'd visited at home, let alone lived in. Her ears shot up as her guide, who was standing near the kitchen behind her, tried to catch her attention for the third time. The monster was pulled from her thoughts and turned to face the human.
"Miss... Kipling, was there anything else you needed? If not, I have other matters to attend to. A more permanent and qualified guide should be stopping by tonight to help you; our other one fell through, so we're having to make last minute plans." She fidgeted with her clipboard for a moment, trying to give a reassuring smile. She jumped a bit as Harper spoke.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," she said, tacking on the last part after a pause. Her guide looked eager to escape. She said her goodbyes and rushed out, leaving the monster on her own. She sighed, walking over to test out her new couch. Was this really how humans lived?
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