The quest.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:35pm
Thread Topic: The quest.
C2 and their partner and adopted brother/sister C3 are at a bar trying to steal money by starting a fake fight but when they get there they see a fight has already broken out.
On a stool they see a girl sitting with a staff in her hands and a form of energy coming from the fight directly to the staff.
The girl turns out to be Lucinda vale who is a wanted " criminal " simply because she refused to register her abilites to the council of sorcery
Some giant commotion is caused and Lucinda and the other two mange to escape unscathed , Lucinda agrees to join their camp.
But when they come back they find everyone in the camp had been brutally murdered , As they are about to flee the scene they are stopped
By C4 a knight who uses sorrcery and C5 their partner ( can be an alchemist knight or an enchanter knight )
C4 has had a history with Lucinda The three " trouble " makers are put under arrest by the two Knights but on their way a dying witch delivers a propehcy .
" Of ancient blood and cursed bones
Demonic eyes lead the way
Knight of magic
Knight of steel
Theif of wind
Theif of light , One doomed to fall but not fade
The shadows grow restless take me to the grave , stop the tyrant before he rises or watch your sister cave"
Lucinda is able to convince the Knights the prophecy is about them and therefore they start of on a quest.
Will they be victorious? Will one fall? Will Lucinda admit her problems because she clearly has them?
Notes :
C4 and Lucinda were involved in a romance which Lucinda called of for reasons we will let progress in the story
C4 can be either gender
( this is a scene I played out in my head when this idea popped into my mind , ( will is what I'm using for C4 but that's not your character ) will looked at Lucinda " Your sentance would be the death sentance but you'd oribaly survive it , so instead you were assigned to someone who could make use of your talents " he said Lucinda who had been facing the other direction kissed his suggestive smirk
" oh really who?" She asked doubting anything he was saying
" me" he said Lucinda span around angry pointing her staff at his throat)
C4 is loyal to their Kingdom and the sorcery council they did love Lucinda but when she refused for the last time to submit to the council they broke apart .
Witches are treated as second class citizens as sorcery has one area which the specific user can use but it's incredibly strong where as witches are a jack of all trades but not as strong as the area of a sorcerer , Lucinda is one of the eight witches but their are only seven registered ones.
The two theives relationships is based of the aida Sky relationship form ascension by rin maru .
C1 - Lucinda vale - me
C2 - the adopted theif - open
C3- the sibling their - open
C4- the Lead knight - open
C5- the partner knight - open -
Age :
Sexuality :
Magic area:
Blood type :
Weight :
Other -
Name:Lucinda vale
Age : 22 ( or maybe 19?)
Gender : female
Character : C1
Sexuality : Pansexual
Magic area : witchcarft a jack of all trades.( in a weaker form than the area of sorcery she is equally matched in skill to that of a sorcerer )
Clothes : Lucinda decided to be ironic so upon her head she wears a black witches hat , a purple dress but the skirt has been cut of and so has the sleeves , she wears black legging type bottoms and balck gloves that go up to her elbows , along with black ankle boots.
Looks : Lucinda has light orange hair which is in an unnatural style which is achevible with magic ( it's that hairstyle with the curly bit at the ned that goes up on the back. Her left eye is a dark emerald colour while the right eye is purple these are what draws your attention to her face , her lips are a pale pink, she has pale white skin and high cheek bones . She is rather petite and slim
Weapon : The staff of Old , Witches spell book , Bow staff.
Personlity : Lucinda is rather sarcastic and teasing but it is all in good nature , she is easily angered the easiest way is to insult witch craft or compare it to sorcery , She is a quick thinker but only when it comes to magic anything without magic Lucinda is basicly just a lowly solider .
Blood type : O negative
Height : 5"8
Weight : 90 lbs ( I am not good with Wight )
Other : Lucinda has three families salem the cat , Athena the owl and Eris the snake these can only be summoned as a last resort
The cat is first stage the owl is second stage and the snake is third and final stage. -
Damn it I wanted C4 XD
I'll Take C3 Then -
Lol Snooze you lose Nelly C3 is an enchnter Mage by the way meaning they have a special item infused with a Certain magic or I can give them alchemy if you want.
Actually I can't I need to make a Vid Sorry guys XD
Nelly we won't be starting right now lol.
Name: Julia Octavia Noel Cavall
Age : 23
Gender: Female
Character: C4
Sexuality: Bisexual
Magic area: Sorcery
Personality: Julia is obedient and willing to take orders, which you could say that she's loyal. She tends to be more on the quiet side, but when provoked or faced with a dangerous situation, she can become aggressive.
Blood type : AB
Height: 5'7
Weight : 162 lbs -
Cool character. Guys is lucindas weight accurate she is supposed to be underwieght but not by much onky by a few stone.
Also the area of magic for the sorcery for example would be barrier magic or soemthing litterly as in an area so like metal or earth or elemental I don't really mind sorry it's just the power set up that's behind the carat tee I'm using and the reasoning behind the plot as well.
Name:Nightmare Zero
Age :24
Sexuality :Straight
Magic area:alchemist
Clothes:gold and silver metal armor,black cloak with lightning bolt on the back,wears a mask,black boots
Looks:long black hair,glowing red eyes,twin scars across right eye,light tan skin
Weapon:retractable metal claws and sometimes twin blades
Personlity:loyal,serious,cold at times,sometimes dark
Blood type :AB
Weight :164
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