Zankyou315's Profile

Joined on Mar 27, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Zankyou315's Quizzes
- Who is your Anime GF? (Guys)[published: May 30, 2015, 6 comments]
In this quiz you will find out who your Anime Girl Friend is. Thankfully I remembered to add……
- Who is your Anime BF?[published: May 30, 2015, 9 comments]
In this quiz you will find who your Anime Boy Friend is. The Animes I used include: Black Butler, Naruto……
- SHOUT OUT QUIZ!!![published: Apr 04, 2015, 8 comments]
I hope that you guys like this shout out and btw I can't spell Shout don't judge me I suck at spelling. Anyway……
- The Pokemon Quiz[published: Apr 04, 2015, 4 comments]
There are lots and lots of Pokemon fans out there. Most are true,blue,down to the core fans. But others not so……
- Yugioh Quiz Time![published: Mar 28, 2015, 3 comments]
Many people say that they are "Fans" of Yugioh. But then they can't even answer a simple Yugioh question. Are……
- Are you Good or Evil![published: Mar 27, 2015, 7 comments]
There are many Good people out there, even so there are just as many Evil people. In my Quiz you will find……
Zankyou315's Recent Posts
"Thats fair, you just gotta find something you like"
"Lmao I do, That s--- was made when I was like 13/14, I'm 19 now lol. I'm defiantly more casual about it"
"Yeesh all my cringy quizzes are up here too "
"Omg I made so many friends on here back in the day. Its funny to see a discord server is up for it too lol"
"Omfg everything still looks the same too xD"
"What's up lol"
"*Yawns normally like a civilized person* :3"
"Basically yeah"
"Basically being moody and stuff"
"angst NG(k)st/Submit noun a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the "
"Nah it's cool mine is to usually. But I've been pretty good. Hbu?"
"Yeah. That makes sense. A lot is just pre-teen angst and junk :P"
"Yeah I talked to you like 4 or 5 times in the span of when I was actually semi active lol. I just recognize the user"
"Idek the majority of the newer people here so I couldn't really care less lol xD"
Zankyou315's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yeah, it was really fun. Thanks for making it!"
1 -
"Cool I got Hikaru ^-^"
1 -
"I got 80% I feel sad now O3-"
1 -
"I got 96%
Cool, I geuss :/"1 -
"I Re-Took This quiz..... I missed you so I felt like taking it one last Time *Sigh* Well For what ever its worth (Or if you even see this…"
1 -
"I got 86% I think. I don't remember. I got 0% girly girl"
1 -
Yo ur kind-30%
Black/Oth er-19%
Hazel/Brown -9%
They change-8%Hehe my eyes are…"
1 -
"Cool got 86%
Not simalar:0%"1 -
"YASSSSSS!!!!!! Thanks Puppet :P"
1 -
"Thanks Chicken and don't worry I think you have a nice twist in music :P"