A Love StoryBook
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:30pm
Thread Topic: A Love StoryBook
ZeldaThePrincess NewbieThe plot:C1(me) was walking from school,the popular girls together teasing her.She did not really care,when she suddenly bumped into C2.They blushed together and fell in love.Then the Love StoryBook opened for them to follow...
ZeldaThePrincess NewbieHewwo. .3. do your charrie first
Okay give me a bit..
http ://s1183.photobucket. com/user/alana553 /media/Anime%20Guy/391 d3edc5a65eaa5d3ad11b8cc8fb17c1301697068_full-1 .jpg.html
(Take out the spaces..)
Name:Jamie Clarke
Looks: Picture
Other: small wolf tattoo on his back
http: //twicsy.com/i /Xcuhgd
(I just found it and thought it was awesome..)
Sorry, I took so long.. I get distracted easily.. -
ZeldaThePrincess Newbiegood one,its okay.Lemme do mine.Might take a sec.
ZeldaThePrincess Newbie[no urls]?imgurl=[no urls] wall paper.com/wallpaper/nidy-2d-anime-girl.jpg&imgrefurl=[no urls] paper.com/nidy-2d-anime-girl-wallpaper/&usg=__9jW3GOPQc4BJvV_jKs3czKXWIIM=&h=1200&w=1920&hl=en&start=13&zoom=1&tbnid=iPoNtgUvkZUq9M:&tbnh=94&tbnw=150&ei=bvoMVOv7NdLjyATzm4DICw&ptbm=isch&q= amine - girl
(omg its so long btw dont do the spaces)
Name:Lyko Electric Wulf
Other:Lightning strike tatoo sleve
Personality:Kind,Helpful,Romantic,can be Harsh and Cold Hearted if pushed
(srry for the wait,it took a while to find) -
ZeldaThePrincess Newbie(the first thing that says no urls is google and the second is mrwallpaper)
Could you repost the link so the urls thing doesn't show up?
ZeldaThePrincess NewbieNO!it took forever to do that.Lemme do a thing to help you with her looks
Name:Lyko Electric Wulf
Looks:long White hair,white eyes,black tanktop that says "100 ways to die",Flare jeans,Converse shoes,thick belt,Lightning strike tatoo sleeve on right arm.
Personality:Kind,Helpful,Romantic,Can but harsh and Cold hearted if pushed. -
Okay, that works, thanks.
Not it.. -
ZeldaThePrincess Newbie... .3. ...
Lyko left school angerly,trying to ignore it.She could not help it when being teased by b------s. -
ZeldaThePrincess Newbiegtg in a sec.
Jamie walked home lazily and tired, he has a pair of headphones in and listened to the music on his phone, as he walked back to his house.
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