wolf112's Profile

Joined on Apr 15, 2014
Status Level: Senior
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wolf112's Quizzes
- How well do you know μ's[published: Nov 12, 2014]
*Don't know what to right for this..* "love the life you live. live the life you love." "• Bob……
- How much like me are you?[published: May 08, 2014, 4 comments]
Hey, I'm wolf112 and this quiz is to see how much like me you are... so yeah... Kind of just wasting……
wolf112's Recent Posts
"I can. Where do you think I should start?"
"Are you starting or am I?"
"Name: Mercy Smith Age: 20 Family: Ricken Smith (papa dearest/ The Shadow) Seth Smith (the oldest brother) Aero"
"This is why canada secretly hates the rest of the world^^ Okay!"
"Can I have my account back now? If you're done making your point."
"Lol its my last name ;P"
"send nudes"
"Mkay Do you have a character sheet?"
"soapers have bad passwords"
"Can we do FxF?"
"Yay thanks :D"
"Double capitale... awkward... Alright then can I have C1?"
"DO you have a character preference?"
wolf112's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got Blake...
Like that's really a shock"1 -
"I took an hour reading all of these again today......
Is there going to be a next part?"
1 -
"74% Elsa
50% Hans
Really no comment"1 -