I have a few ideas
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:30pm
Thread Topic: I have a few ideas
James laughed lightly and set his plate and fork in the sink as well. "Okay, see you later." He grabbed his gun out of his back pocket, unloading it and pulling the magazine out. "Nine bullets left." He said to himself, taking one and rolling it between his fingers. He began whistling a random tune, recalling the first time he had recieved this gun.
(Bump again.)
(Ok where were we?)
Claire went to her bedroom and started getting some towels and soap ready for her shower. Meanwhile, her mind was racing threw the events of the day. -
(Our characters just killed your character's father, and then buried the body, then dinner.)
James loaded his gun again, but kept a single bullet out. Pocketing the heavy pistol, he took the bullet and studied it for a moment, before he saw something he was looking for, the date the gun was made. Smirking triumphantly, he tucked the bullet behind his ear and looked outside. There was a sudden noise, a vehicle pulling in, and he gasped after seeing who it was. -
(Oh ya ok)
She went into the petite bathroom that was in the bedroom. She immediately started running the water to get it warm. Claire layed on the bed, listening to the water run. -
Slowly opening the door, James kept a hand in his pocket, over the gun. "You! Want do you want?!" James growled, looking at the man standing before him. "Why, I just wanted to visit my cousin, that's all. Trust me." James scoffed. "Yeah, kinda finding it hard to trust you after what you did, Sam." He found that something was compelling him to just shoot Sam, but something also held him back. "I don't know what to say. I was wrong to just leave you, and I want to make up for it, at least somewhat.." Sam threw James a bag.
An unwanted feeling twisted in her gut as she closed the bathroom door and locked it. She slid of her clothes and tossed them on the ground as she stepped in. She could have sworn she heard talking under the sound of the water, but it was probably just her imagination.
Opening the bag, James saw that it was filled with thousands of dollars. "Don't ask where I got it from, that's not important. I may return sometime to check up on you." Sam turned around to get back in his car when James spoke. "I don't.." He looked up and right into Sam's eyes, a strange, ominous feeling moving him closer to Sam. With a quick pull, the gun was out of his pocket, and he bashed Sam's head with the bottom of it. Before he realized it, he was dragging his body toward the house. Getting him inside, he went down to the basement, carrying Sam.
When she finished she realized she had forgotten to bring her clothes into the bathroom. As she stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, she heard a thump as if something fell. She grabbed the first thing she saw in one the bags, a lacey bra and underwear set, a loose long sleeved sweater and pajama shorts. She quickly ran down stairs, her bare feet slapping each step, and stopped in the living room. "James?" She called out. "Is everything alright?"
James spoke with a normal calm. "Yeah, I just decided to look in the basement for tools, and I dropped something when I came down here." He walked back up the stairs and pointed outside. "I found a truck in an eerily well hidden farm house out back. I wanted to work on it." He closed the door behind himself and smiled. "So, good shower?"
Claire looked around. "Uh, yeah, it was fine." The situation sounded pretty legit to her. She yawned, stretching her arms. "Wanna watch a movie? I brought a few scary ones."
James nodded. "Sure, what ones?" He walked into the living room, sitting on the couch. []Wonder if he'll stay quiet down there..[/] James thought, before relaxing a bit.
*That was supposed to be in italics*
"Hmmm, I brought Something called A Walking the Woods and then I heard Insidious Chapter Eight is pretty scary." She went half way up the stairs, so she could wait for his response.
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