RP for me and wolflove
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:30pm
Thread Topic: RP for me and wolflove
I looked down at the starfish stuffed animal slightly confused, "what is it?" I asked
"That is a starfish. Are you from around here?"
I shook my head, "somewhere else..." I said, that was all I wanted him to know, I was hoping that he thought I was just someone dressed up, so I decided I should maybe keep my wings hidden
"Sooo..." Quint crawled up onto his bed.
( XD maybe akuma should get more comfortable in his room and ends up doing a mistake and quint finds out he is a demon? is that a good idea? )
( ok!!! )
I was starting to go deep into thought, I wondered if maybe I could become friends with a human, even though I was told demons had to take their souls, I needed to forget about that, I maybe I wasn't really a demon, I didn't know, I didn't realize I let my wings unfold a bit while I was thinking hard ( uh oh!!! ) -
Quint had been watching him the whole time. His eyes widened when saw the wings come out a bit. -
I didn't notice, thoughts were still going through my mind, but then I sighed and looked up and saw the look on quint's face, I wasn't sure what was going on ( XD this is crazy! )
Quint pointed, trembling. "Wh-what are those?!"
my eyes widened when I realized he was pointing towards my wings, I couldn't hide them now that he saw them, I looked down and was really nervous, "t-t-they are w-wings..." I quietly said
"Wh-why do you have them?" Quint hit behind a pillow with a face kind of like ;v;
"I-I can't t-tell you..." I said quietly, I looked up a little and saw him trying to hide ( what does that face mean? )
it's just a cry face x'D
quint is always so scared.
Quint peeked his eyes out from behind the pillow. "Is it a...secret?" -
I nodded slightly and spread out my wings a bit more even though I just wanted to hide them, I was feeling really uncomfortable
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