- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:28pm
Thread Topic: PEOPLE, GER A MOVE ON!
(Sorry I dropped out! D:> FERGIVE MEH!)
You roll first. -
It's ok! I'll make my charries first.
Name: Erika Greh
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species: Human
Looks: Red curly shoulder length hair, green eyes, tall, slim, pale skin
Wears: Green knee length shorts, purple tank top, pink and black hightops, messenger bag with lunch, snacks, and a book in it
Personality: You'll see...
Other: Is afraid of spiders, hates horror
Name: Marina Aquaria
Gender: Female
Age: 2648
Species: Water monster
Looks: Light green skin, waist length blonde wavy hair with green and blue streaks, dark blue eyes speckled with green, translucent light green fins on forearms and ankles
Wears: Light brown sundress, bare feet
Personality: You'll see
Other: Likes humans, much to her family's dismay -
(Awesome! :D)
Name: Nikkili Audric
Wears: Changes.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human (of course! XD)
Hair: Black, spiky/wavy on one side, slick/plump on other.
Figure: Tall and slim, dark toned and mixed with about 30%This can ch French descent, 5% Brazillian descent, 15% Russian descent, and the rest is even African and Caucasian descent,
Eyes: Amber, large, hallow.
Personality: Can change, but has a low temper, and is determined.
Accent: Mainly normal with slight hint of French.
Name: Unknown
Wears: Heavy-looking em-powered shadow leather w/steel-reinforced ninja boots, shadow-infused trench-coat, and huge cloak entirely made of shadows. Also wears a mask of shadows and a hood that perfectly hides it's face.
Gender: Unknown
Species: Shadow monster
Hair: Unknown/none
Figure: Mediumly tall, partially muscular when clothed, extremely thin when... Naked?
Eyes: Unknown/none
Personality: Will do any-thing for mistress of the monsters (Assassin)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/ Chaotic evil
Age: Unknown, but very, very old. Possibly over 10,000 years. -
(Do you want to start or should I?)
(Omg, I keep missing you! D:)
I'll start.
------- !PROLOGUE! --------
Human Narrator - The school was bustling with huge energy, students and teachers and police guards all alike were milling around, pushing each other's shoulders just to get a step ahead. Today was the field trip, but not just some random field trip, it was basically the trip of the century. Every-body was going to group in packs, with packs of usually 5 students, 2 teachers, and one police guard to live out in the woods with few essentials. There was even an award for people with lower packs, some students even went alone! That is, if their parents allowed them, which nearly none did, except for (how about you and I go alone?), and me.
Soon enough, an entire hour passed, but it felt like minutes... Then again, if you think about it hard, it could seem like days have past... It was a confusing experience, trust me. Every-body was lining up to get on their buses, and they were all LOADED! Some students had to sit in seats with 10 people, some on floors, and some on top of each other! The school had to order several more larger buses just to fit the students them-selves! No-body was missing out on this.
Oh, did I tell you why it was the field trip of the century? No, I believe I have not. A very, very famous entrepreneur was coming, his name was... Herald... Herald Gren? Maybe... But any-ways, he was going to share 20 million dollars to the last pack standing. That's why some people went alone -- to get all the money for them-selves, instead of having to share. Not only was it the money, but the entire crew of the remaining pack would be sponsored every-where, getting huge deals to enter into big-budget movie deals. But no-body would expect what would happen... And if they did, they would never have went... Not even for triple the money.
Does this sound like a good scenario? -
(I think it sounds great! Erika got permission to go alone. :D
Lets start when they're on the bus.)
Erika sat on a bus. It was less crowded then the other ones because it was the last bus to leave the school. Everyone chatted excitedly in their groups. Erika sat in silence. She didn't have a group. She was camping out alone. Erika's friends all thought she was crazy for wanting to camp alone, but Erika assured them that she would be fine.
Erika clutched her bag. She was excited, and nervous. This was a survival test. The school that Erika went to was unique. It was a school that taught you survival skills along with regular school subjects. This was like an exam. -
(Sorry! D:)
Nikkili's feelings were very, very mixed. He was going on the trip of his life-time, with the chance of becoming an A-list actor, but he knew he could also come home empty-handed, or worse, not at all. As he was crossing the corridor to leave the school, he clutched his back-bag filled with nothing the regular, but rather stuffed with foodstuffs, water, compass, map, and many other essentials. He also carried two travel-bags in each hand, with small cases for small things in every one of his 11 pockets in his pants.
His best friends, Rob and Matthew ran up to him, and Rob spoke first, saying "Dude! You're going alone?! First of all, you'll end up dead fast! And second, we're your best bros! You can't just leave us two alone!" with Matt following suit, exclaiming "Yeah! That's really messed up, besides, not only would we have a bigger number, but we'd be able to form a small hive-mind!". Nikkili was slowly walking, cautiously looking around, and told the two "I know. It's just I signed up as 'Lone' so I could group with who-ever I want. If I went as a pack, things could happen.".
His friends were nearly shocked at the re-solve. "So, basically you went alone to be with us? We're not going with some other random douche-bag?!" Rob asked, excitedly. "Well, you're still going with a douche-bag, but not some random one." his two best friends exclaimed a quick "YES!" in succession with each other, and was off to the last bus to leave. "Don't want to end up looking like we're in an orgy." Nikkili humorously added, while his two friends chuckled.
(Your turn!) -
(It's ok!)
Erika opened her bag. In it she had lots of food, a couple water bottles, a small pot and a small pan, and a book. Her parents said that the book was unnecessary, but she ignored them. Erika closed the bag and leaned back in her chair.
Her friend Melody came and sat beside her. Melody was in a group with Erika's other friends, Yang and Gwen. They were a quiet group of friends. But Erika didn't mind. "Are you going to be okay by yourself, Erika?" Melody asked, softly. Erika smiled, "I'll be fine. This is just something I want to do alone." Suddenly Yang sat in the seat across from Erika's. "This is different though, Eri. This is a survivor test. Meaning that some people don't make it out alive." Gwen sat beside Yang. "Yang!" She whispered. Then she turned to Erika, "Yang's just worried, were all worried." Erika smiled, she was happy to have friends like them. "I know. I promise I will come back alive. That means you have to as well." Melody and Gwen smiled. Yang frowned but nodded.
Gwen and Yang were twins. Melody was the youngest of 6. Erika was a middle child from a family of 5. They all had hardships and that's probably why they were friends. Erika heard the bus start and pull out of the school grounds. -
As Nikkili and his friends sat near the front, he joked around a few jokes, acting all non-chalant and oblivious, and settled the surrounding people down. "Ok, now on to some serious biz," the prepared boy had said. "Rob, tell me and show me what you have brought." followed by Rob's "Got'cha.". He opened up his large back-pack and duffle bag, revealing several large full water bottles, many energy/protein bars, a foot-ball for entertainment, and opened up his main back-pack, revealing two large, full, and rather heavy gallon jugs of water, with a few more energy/protein bars on the botom, and three water bottles at the top. He also opened up a few of his pant's pockets, revealing Several rather large pocket knives.
"Matt has the rest." Robert stated, pointing over at Matt. "Ok, then. Spill the beans." Nikkili lightly demanded from Matt. Matt told Nikkili and showed him two opened carrier bags, one was stuffed with antidotes, medical steroids, adrenaline boosters, Tru-Brand (the current leading brand in medical supplies) filled pill containers that treat a very wide range of sick-nesses, and then showed the other carrier bag, showing 6 large first-aid kits, more ail-ments, a large box filled with 200 Tru-Brand band-aids, 8 large rolls of cotton bandaging supplies, un-used and cleaned syringes, and other medical supplies.
He then opened his back-pack, revealing three more, smaller, first-aid kits, a steel kit filled with several bottles of ail-ments to cure more severe diseases, such as Rabies, the Flu, and others, several bottles of water, and many canned goods. "Good. It's time for me to spill." Nikkili declared, as he care-fully opened his large back-pack, revealing a ton of canned goods that made the pack considerably heavy, opened the two duffle bags he carried, revealed a small water purifier, small buckets stacked into each other to save spaces, but was mainly stuffed with some light blankets, 3 pillows, cup holders, and sticks and marsh-mallows. He then opened up his pocket-size containers, revealing a small dictionary, and several note-pads.
"Well, we are so stuffed!" Rob said, with the other two agreeing, opened then re-closed bags sitting on the floor, on their laps, behind their backs and in their hands and pockets. "Of course, we knew to be prepared." Nikkili confidently stated.
(Hey, can this be in the future? Not heavy in the future, just in like, 2027? So medicine can be improved and a few human augmentations available?) -
(Cool idea. Ok!)
Erika, Melody, Yang and Gwen chatted for a bit. Then Yang looked at Erika. "What," Erika asked awkwardly. Yang straightened and frowned, "You should stay with us for a couple of days. Then you can go off on your own." Gwen quickly agreed. Melody looked at me. "What do you think, Erika?"
Erika frowned. Then she smiled. "Okay then!" Yang broke out into a smile. Gwen tried to calm Yang down, and Melody smiled lightly. "Lets see what we have," Melody said. Yang opened her bag, "I have lots of canned food, a can opener, a couple of bowls, bread, and matches." Gwen opened her bag. Erika noticed that it was a similar design to Yang's. "I have canned food, some plastic cutlery, rice, a book and a first aid kit," Gwen added. Erika noticed that Melody had a large bag. Melody opened her bag, "I have a plant guide, a medical herb book, the survival guide, 3 emergency blankets, a first aid book, water bottles, canned foods, rolls, and a couple of candies." Erika smiled. Melody was always the prepared one. Erika opened her bag, "I have lots of water bottles, small cans of food, a loaf of bread, a survival blanket, a small pot and pan, and a book."
Yang laughed. "We're all prepared!" Gwen shushed her. Erika smiled, Yang was definitely the loudest of them. -
(Mind if I go ahead and make the bus crash? I really wanna make the bus crash! XD)
(Go ahead XD)
Nikkili and his friends were discussing how they would survive out there, whether trying to grow plants with a few seeds they collected, or nomadically. The rest were mainly just joking around, except for a few of the girls in the back. "WATCH OUT!!!" A few of the kids yelled with a high pitched tone.
The bus driver was busy looking for a map in the glove compartment when a racing car-driver ran straight into the bus, making the bus barrel roll down into a ditch, knock a couple trees down, then hide under a moss of heavy bushes and plants.
"Hell... Hello? What the f--- just happened?" Nikkili very croggily asked, cringing at a strange pain at his left thigh. He looked around, realizing every-body was gone, except for a few mangled dead bodies specking the ground and bus floor, which was actually the roof. "Holy s---... The bus rolled over..." Nikkili realized. He looked around, and un-buckled his waist, falling head-first onto the up-side down roof. "Ow! s---! Why is every-body gone?" Nikkili suspiciously groaned. He was nearly the only one still there, no less the only one still conscious. He looked around on some of the seats, with a bunch of foods, cloth and water spilled all over the place.
He tried to gather his senses, but in-stead gathered a heavy mind-shattering head-ache, and slowly dribbled out-side, seeing that he was surrounding by a heavy, thick bush, that had fire plants (not plants on fire, just plants that give you blisters by squeezing them.) and barbed plants, and it was too dangerous to venture out this way, seeing it was very high and full with pointy objects.
He crawled back under the... Up-side down floor, tapping on the roof, when he suddenly heard a small wheezing sound. "What the s#!t?!" he very silently whispered to him-self. He knew that it was alive, but it could easily be a very ravenous disease-ridden animal, considering their distance off the road.
(How about the wheezing person is you?) -
(Oh, and one more thing. Can we change this onto a different thread? The title distracts me.)
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