Frey: This it?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:28pm
Thread Topic: Frey: This it?
I'll buy you breakfast. McDonalds? -walks to the car-
Keisha: Hey. -runs up to her- -
Ben: -nods eagerly- Yessss!
Lily: Hey.. -wary and frowns-
Lacy: -growls and dodges- Don't test me..
Why? Because you just screwed away your life? Pun intended dear. -throws hands in air- -
-gets in, waiting- No problemo, kid.
Keisha: Your Bens sister. -she does look a lot like Arch, except for the white/red hair and grey eyes- -
Ben: -climbs in-
Lily: Ya.. And? -frowns-
Lacy: -tackles her clearly pissed-
-yelps and shifts snapping at her throat- -
-Drives off- Might have to go help Ally, -heads to McDonalds-
Keisha: Sorry... I'm not good with... Earthlings. -
Ben: -shrugs- I just think she will get more frustrated.
Lily: -chuckles- Then what are you?
Lacy: -yelps as teeth sink into her throat-
-whines as claws get shoved through her shoulder blade- -
-rolls his shoulder, feeling some of her pain- If it gets too bad we'll go. -pulls into a drive through- Order.
Keisha: I'm an Orici, extradimensional human. -
Ben: -orders a Big Mac, large fry, large coke-
Lily: oh. -shakes head- Sounds cool. What do you do?
Lacy: -kicks her away and stand up, unfurls dark black bat like wings and has long claws for each finger nail- Why do you care about some fledgling?
-growls- Because she's, my responsibility. -tackles only to get claw marks across her ribs and teeth into Lacys shoulder- -
Yeow. -whispers as he hands the money over- Kid, we're at least going to get close. Lyra, engage inertial dampaners, prep the Nos. -floors it-
Keisha: I'm clairvoyant, and I can do this. -creates a fireball in her hand- -
Ben: -starts eating- Just let me eat~
Lily: -grins- That is cool.
Lacy: -flails and falls with blood all over the walls- You little b----!
-claws and shifts sinking dagger into her chest near her heart- Don't come back Lacy.. Ever. -
Thats the dampeners, kid. -pops the top off his Coke, then hits the first NOS bottle, rocketing to two fifty and not a ripple in the soda-
Keisha: Yeah, -it goes up her arm- Your a vampire, right? -
Ben: -mouth full of food- Cool!
Lily: Yeah. Just a fledgling though.
Lacy: This is my city. -sinks claws into stomach-
-blood pours from mouth- -
-groans- Alright, I'm going in. -passes 270-
Keisha: Whats it like? -
Lacy: Can't heal with my nails in can you..? -twist-
Lily: It's fun. The urges suck but everything is high definition all the time.
Ben: -growls- What about Frey?
-blood spills from mouth and try's to breath and sinks dagger into her stomach- -
Lyra, find him. -opens the door and gets out- Throw your crap away, I like my car clean. -grins, then jumps off-
Keisha: Hmm. Cool. What urges?
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