Today is the day.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:28pm
Thread Topic: Today is the day.
Alecia: Thanks. ^-^ *takes and licks*
Jak: *moves up and down, quickly* -
E.P: Mhm. *licks his, glancing out the window*
Pitch: *louder moan* -
Alecia: *lick lick* So, who are your parents?
Jak: *faster* -
E.P: I don't have any. I'm sythetic. Meaning I'm man-made.
Pitch: *another* *starts to move his hips* -
Alecia: Ohh. Why?
Jak: *holds his hips down, sucking and nipping* -
E.P: I was made to actually destroy Pitch Fraser; to be like a son to Enero but unfortunately, I quit. Messing around with someone that a lot of people like is hard. Plus, Enero is using me for revenge.
Pitch: *LOUDER* *starts to tense up* J-Jaaaak. -
Alecia: ...Daddy is mean. ;A;
Jak: *FASTER* Hmmmm~? -
E.P: Indeed. *stares*
Pitch: *more tensing and moaning* S-stoooop. Pleeeaase. ;~; -
Alecia: *sigh* Wish he wasn't. Why doesn't he like Pitchy?
Jak: And why should I? *continues anyways* -
E.P: Because he wanted Pitch to join his team group. Pitch didn't and that lead to Enero's wife's death. He's only getting back at him because he "killed" his wife. He's also jealous because Pitch is actually better.
Pitch: *moans, squirming* Nnnugh. B-because I'll cuuuumm. *tries to yank his hands free* -
Alecia: That's dumb. >xI
Jak: *lelele more sucking* -
E.P: Yeah, I know. *finishes*
Pitch: *aannnd comes* *pants* -
Alecia: So, do you like Pitch now?
Jak: *licks that all up, pulling away* Torture isn't over yet~ -
E.P: ..I'm neutral with him. :I
Pitch: *still panting* W-what nooow? ;#; -
Alecia: Oh. Good, I think. *eats all her icecream*
Jak: *nuzzles him there* Be patient with me, Pitchy.
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