Today is the day.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:28pm
Thread Topic: Today is the day.
Western: Enero is a meanie. e.e
Tara: *amused* Ah. Feeling it today Pitch? *grins,opening a portal* Well, enjoy yourself~ -
Pattern: Mhm.. ;~;
Trick: Speaking of En... We have a problem.. Someone..rather special is coming to attend Past and Parson's wedding. Then, catch up with Pitch.. Enero's not going to like this.
Pitch: I can't control it, Tara.. *and steps in* -
Western: Who?
Clover: *there* I need to talk to Enero. And E.P. Now.
*at Jak's room*
Jak: *there, painting* Look, Pitch! I'm painting a bowl of fruit. ^-^ -
(Slow replies.)
Trick: J-Julio. *stiffens*
Pattern: Why?
Pitch: ...*wraps his arms around from behind* That' -
Western: ....wat.
Clover: Cause. It's important. -3-
Jak: ..*blushes but pulls away* I want to paint you. ^~^ -
Trick: You heard me.. :I Don't know if Pitch will be happy or angry. All I know is that En isn't going to like this.
Pattern: No. You're rude to my bro so no. *haha*
Pitch: ...*blinks* Oh. Okay.. :I *moves over in front* -
Western: Oh no. ;3;
Jak: *giggles, picking up her brush* Take your shirt off. And smile~ -
Trick: Yep. :I The wedding will be doomed.
Pattern: No. No. NO.
Pitch: *hesitates* *slips his shirt off anyways* -
Western: *flails* Nuuu. Enny can't be there!
Clover: *slaps* *she's that angry*
Jak: *sticks her tongue out, tilting her head* Hm.. Flex. -
Trick: I know. I'll get- *winces* DON'T SLAP PATTERN, b----! *tackles Clover*
Pattern: *stiffens*
Pitch: ...Flex? *blinks* Okay.. *flexes nervously* -
Clover: *claws at*
Jak: *gawks* Pitch? -
Trick: *Fangs pop, eyes glowing white* NO ONE TOUCHES PATTY BUT ME!
Pitch: *stops* ..Yes? -
Clover: GET OFF ME!
Alecia: *there* GET OFF MOMMA!
Jak: I can't help but.. admire...your body.. .//. *sets the brush down, moving over to him* *runs her finger down his body, slooowly* -
Pattern: *pulls Trick off*
Trick: *hissssss* Dumb b----.
Pitch: *shivers* O-oh..
(Might disappear.)
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