Des: So, you and your band of scruffy Rouges...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:27pm
Thread Topic: Des: So, you and your band of scruffy Rouges...
-tenses and pulls away- Do you feel that? -growls-
Lily: -narrows eyes- Come on out you SOB! -slids from her horse at the same time as five vampires come out of the woods- -
Feel what? -spawns the Deagles-
Frey: -pulls out his nine mil and a phone, speed dialing the war room- Frey, I need backup! -Fires several times- -
Lily: -soon a swarm of vampires slip from the trees and grab at her- God damn. -takes two out-
Vampires. -runs outside and shifts and sprints towards the smell- -
Great. -Turns on his earpiece while running after her- We've got a breach, lock down the island, weapons free. -Shifts and runs behind her-
Frey: -Drops two- We need to leave, head back to The Institute or to the Base. -
Lily: -turns and rips a head off if one behind Frey- I can do it. -she huffed and suddenly was thrown backwards and she was dog piled-
-sprints and slams into one ontop if Lily- -
-Shifts back, rips one off, and point blank headshot-
Frey: Lily! -Rushes in- -
-yelps as blood spurts from her shoulder-
Lily: -yelps in pain- Frey!! -starts being dragged away by her hair and clothes- -
-Raises the Deagles and takes out one before they disappear. Looks up- Good. We have a drone up.
Frey: Damn it! -Starts to run after her-
Frey, cool it. We can't catch them. -
Well, good for you- *breaks off* Ben, where's Lily?
Gavin: *Blinks* -
-pants as watches them leave with blood dripping from her shoulder-
Ben: -takes off and shifts sprinting towards Ally in a dead run- -
Okay, we need to head back, see where they take her, then SEAL that biatch up.
Frey: -Leaves to go load up- -
*Shifts and runs after him, darting through the Institute*
Gavin: ...Um. *Shifts clumsily and tries to keep up* -
Ben: -slams into Ally and yelps-
-flails and gets tackled- Ben! -grunts- -
-Opens a portal to the Rouges War Room- If you're coming on this op, follow me. -Walks to a room surrounded by screens-
Frey: -Now fully armored up and carrying his 30-30, follows behind him- -
-her and Ben pad in behind them-
Ben: -shifts glaring at Frey- What happened?!
-shifts and grabs Bens arm- Knock it off.
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