Paganism and life
Thread Topic: Paganism and life
I am sort of a newer Pagan. We're still learning the holidays and such.
I connected to a self-made path with some nature-path things to it almost instantly when looking and researching. I love it, I love that I can choose what I do and how I do it.
I have no rituals just yet, nor anything really that is "mine", but I am working on it!
This is really helping me separate from Christianity and the harm it brought to me.
Please do not bring in any talk of "Convert to Jesus, Jesus is truth!!1!!1". This is not the thread for it. I won't be converting back to Christianity, it's a waste of your time. -
Also, feel free to ask me or others questions about this!
what is paganism? just wondering because I've heard a lot of different things but I would like a general debriefing. basically I kind of understand it as believing whatever you want but I may be wrong.
Paganism is based on before-Abrahamic religion (Christian, Islamic, or Judaism) times. It's often centered around nature, self, and love in general.
I am bad at explaining, but here's something that explains it perfectly off of Google
Pagans believe that nature is sacred and that the natural cycles of birth, growth and death observed in the world around us carry profoundly spiritual meanings. Human beings are seen as part of nature, along with other animals, trees, stones, plants and everything else that is of this earth.
Each Pagan's path can be vastly different. They may worship differently, have different focuses and values, and believe different things. For example, someone may believe in multiple Gods and actively worship them (polytheism). On the flip side, someone else may not believe in any Gods and worship nature in and of itself.
Some may have alters, some may connect by walking outside.
There are many, many branches of Paganism, but the main focus is about nature and the planet. One common theme is "We don't own the world, the world owns us", which I think sums up most (or all) of the various paths.
My path in particular is self-made--I do whatever feels right at a point. Just last night I lit a candle and made some sigils for protection, love, etc. by some rocks and shells I found once. I do not necessarily believe that Gods exist, but I do believe that Nature has spiritual power that many overlook. That is what makes mine unique, it's simply what I deem needed and what I decide is best.
It's so much of a DIY religion, so yes, you're correct! But the basic, most basic, idea, is that Nature is powerful in some regard. -
Another thing I am working on is tarot, which is also very fun to do and very insightful. There are many online tarot sites for any beginners who happen to see this, or for anyone who simply wants to try it without buying a pack-
I'm also very excited for potential witchy cookbooks! While I'm not a witch, I do use some things from the practices and I enjoy it. It's especially helpful when they hold vegetarian options (either out of "I don't like eating meat", "Eating meat is morally bad for me to do", or "Meat is expensive"... I'm more so, "Meat is expensive".)
I wanna go buy some the next time I go to my nearby bookstore with my friend! -
I love to connect with nature by walking in the woods, it's my absolute favorite thing to do to connect with my religion. I also love to share my religion and spirituality, and caring for others -- That helps often since I do not have any forests in my home area
This is my favorite free tarot site, I highly recommend!
One thing that connects me to my spirituality is writing. Not just any writing. I'm attempting to create the feeling of safety and warmth in my room, by writing out what intention I want and then lighting a candle (all naturally, small-business made I believe). It's very nice! I may have to do it again soon to keep up the intention.
I believe the universe, fate, and Nature can and will feel the intention beings place out into it... Good and bad. I do not believe in "heaven" or "Hell" necessarily, but I do believe souls can and do exist and can be put to rest. Where a Christian may hope your soul ends in Heaven, I personally wish your soul finds rest. But, let it be known, those who harm Nature intentionally, or harm Nature's creations unethically intentionally (this includes animals, plants, people, etc) probably won't find their soul at rest.
What I mean by unethical and intentional, I mean going out of their way to destroy, harm, or torture something. Like, you probably won't have an unrested soul for making bacon, but you probably will if you abuse your pig before killing it. See, ethics. Be a good being and be nice is really the baseline of... idk, being alive?
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