Thread Topic: Mormon
I would like to document my life of being born into a cult, feel free to chime in or ask questions.
Only men can serve 2 year missions, Women only have permission to serve 18 months where sometimes they dump young adults into dangerous areas with no money, stakes are very high in missions. the reason that women cant serve a two year missions is because she has to get married as soon as possible and have as many babies as possible.
https :// /H5NKHnvoAOM?si=azPqql7wh_WG4vkY
my dad was asked to blog sacrament which I think is weird he isn't involved but Joseph Smith married 14 year olds
*Utah aesthetically incorporating religion into schools and government*
might delete this thread if an account gets to junior.
this is totally late but i would love to share things as well as someone who was raised mormon.
my mother used to do some volunteer work for a local temple. you know how during your endowment, they tell you what your "divine name" is? when she volunteered at the temple she figured out that they just have the same few names they give to people based on the day that they come in. so for example, every woman that is endowed on day A get name A, and those that visit on day B get name B. if that makes sense. in other words, it's just bulls---. what's funny is that you're told to never tell anyone ever what the name you got was. i wonder why?
not to mention, women are expected to share their divine name with their husband, however men are not expected to do the same.
you're also expected to pay 10% of your income to the church, it's called tithing. it's not exactly required, but it's very very imposed. families on occasion will have to meet with their bishop just for him to ask each person "have you been paying your full tithe?" (a few other churches do this too, but it's lds is really well known for practicing it)
wanna know what else i think is crazy? you have to pay to go on a mission, $12,000 for guys and $9,000 for girls. lds is pretty much the only church that has the audacity to make their people pay post-secondary school-level funds out of pocket to serve a mission. -
also, during your mission, you're allowed to call your family once a week. but before new policy arose in 2019, you could only call them twice a year.
i'd like to add one more thing btw hahaa sorry, this one's about trans people. i transitioned socially when i was 13 and my temple recommend was promptly ripped up (the ticket that allows you to do things in the temple). that means i couldn't go on group temple trips with everyone my age anymore, neither would i be able to get sealed forever to my spouse in the future, or get endowed, or anything of the sort.
recently there's been new policy on trans people that bars them from positions where you teach children, just like how they bar people charged with child abuse. likening trans people to child abusers is a crazy move. the other half of the policy states that if you've transitioned, guess what? you can no longer be baptized. -
Hey Uzi, I'm popping in here to respond to nirvana, I can delete my post if you don't want me to talk on here though :)
I didn't know about trans people no longer being able to get baptized. When I first came out as trans to my bishop it was during the test to get a temple recommend and he went "Oh well as long as you don't act on your emotions that should be fine" and gave me the temple recommend before I could say anything
They also used to have the rule where if a person with gay parents wanted to get baptized, they'd have to DISOWN their parents in order to get baptized. They removed that rule a while ago because they realized how barbaric that was, and took accountability for all the harm that they did, but that was still a f---ed up thing they did, and they have a right to be called out for it -
yeah, you guys can have conversations here. its everybody's thread to share experiences they have had with the Mormon church to help people understand what its like.
I remember my baptism very, very well. what was once an immense joy and source of pride is now a source of guilt and trauma. just being dunked under the water for the 5 seconds I was there was scary, its hard even now to take showers and wash my face. I also didn't get to choose anything that should have been my right to choose.
also, temples are CREEPY. since I have slight hydrophobia from my baptism, when I went with my youth group, they tried to pressure me into getting baptized for the dead. I told them no and they had me do the thing where you make sure they go entirely underwater. it was creepy, it was a huge bathtub in the middle of a room with pictures all from the book of Mormon stories, with a little balcony for two embellished chairs to oversee it. the bathtub was gold with also paintings from the book of Mormon, not to mention baptism attire.
I do think its funny when I see in the "people also searched" little section of Google that people actually don't know that Mormons don't practice polygamy anymore. -
ughhhhh so I don't know if I made that clear but I HATE religion meddling with academics.
I had to teach myself our states history cuz it wasn't even Utah history, just mormon history. TAUGHT BY A MORMON SO IT WAS BRAINWASHED AND BIASED BRO.
some key things she said:
joseph Smith decided to make a church due to all the others being corrupt, people didn't like that so he was tar and feathered and driven out of New York.
WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: joseph Smith was being creepy to tween-teen girls and people did not like that.. soo he created his own religion where it was acceptable and tried to LITERALLY ASSASSINATE STATE GOVERNMENT LEADERS.
what she told:
when the Mormons arrived to Utah, they were peaceful with the Americans who already lived there.
what really happened:
we all know what every American settler did to the native Americans.
THE BIG THING IS SHE LIED ABOUT THE MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE AND SAID "native Americans attacked migrants going to Arizona but then the Mormons saved them."
nah man, the Mormons were the one who attacked, then slaughtered everyone above the age of eight.
since Utah is so heavily religious, I feel like the Utah history unit that's required in schools needs to be regulated and controled by a non-religous figure to tell the story for what it really was. -
in repy to alexfierrro: yeah, mormons won't do anything if you're queer as long as you "don't act on it," because it's considered a sin. if i never transitioned i would have still had my recommend but right when i did, my bishop took it away. and yeah, the new policy is disturbing. i thought the point was to get people to join the church, not to directly drive them out. so i mean if you're trans but not transitioned then you can totally be baptized, but if you're transitioned.. oopsie, they won't let you in anymore i guess. insanity.
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