Life as a satanist
Thread Topic: Life as a satanist
the satanism practices are designed to break free from the psychological chains that Christianity had inflicted onto us.
istg if you post anything in here relating to Jesus... get out. your not convincing me of MY personal beliefs and I'm not trying to convince you out of YOURS
any questions? -
oh to be in a bible destruction ritual (not dunking on christians)
Do you do any holidays as a satanist? Is it just your birthday?
I do celebrate holidays but not from a religious perspective, more like from a fu perspective if that makes sense but it may be different for everybody!
for example, I don't celebrate the religious perspective on Easter, but rather celebrate it as a fun day. -
Oh, fun! Cool!
yeah. I'm not entirely sure if there are satanist holidays that I'm not able to celebrate because a strict household.
Halloween is definitely celebrated and valentines day is a self love day.
I can at least celebrate founding day, its on my birthday lol.
Another question! Do you have any everyday (or near everyday) practices, or no? Praying or something? Or, if it's the Satanism that is specifically "I am a God" type thinking, is it simply self-care?
Again, is there any particular rules? Ik there's some but I don't remember them.
Sorry about the questions, this often, I'm curious and love to learn! -
your all good, I haven't been able to do practices because stuff, but it really is just self care. the whole premise is be nice to yourself and others.
a ritual (in my opinion) can be as simple as taking a shower, brushing your teeth, combing your hair and stuff. -
there is a practice where you tear pages from a Bible and burn/stomp on them lol
Cool :O
i know some religious practices have certain fashion, like for example christian nuns may wear veils to cover their head. are there any certain fashions you wear to honor your religion?
upside down crosses, but other then that I'm not sure
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