Talk about your religion :)
Thread Topic: Talk about your religion :)
I feel like a lot of people have very unique and personal thoughts/experiences with their religion, but don't share them because they worry others will see it as them trying to convert others. So, here's a space to talk about your religion, beliefs, or just experiences you've had that you'd like to share to others without making them feel like you're trying to convert them or anything like that
Some rules:
All religions and beliefs are welcome
No fights about religion
Don't respond to anyone's posts in general (but feel free to read them unless they say otherwise)
No trying to get other users to believe what you do. This is about YOUR experience -
my religious experince is quite the rollercoaster..
I was born into a cult, though I prefer not to specify. for years I had been brainwashed until a year or two ago, when I met my ex. I finally woke up and realized why I had such low esteem.. every tiny little comment and claim of our "religion" like "don't show your legs that much, girl." I think calling me girl is the worst thing you can do but other than that... my mom apparently knew me and ex were dating and she knew I liked girls for a whole year before telling me she knew. she acted like she couldn't intervene but everytime I said "but you know its not anyone's choice, right?" and she just darted her eyes. but enough about my mom yelling at me to be straight after and onto what I'm doing now.
I'm trying to go through a religious journey now and maybe convert to Christianity, I'm trying to find faith despite the spiritual abuse and mental abuse I grew up with. but, I am kind of stuck on satanist-aitheist right now. a miracle happened 2 weeks ago that's giving me hope at least but wish me the best of luck lmao -
tbh I never really knew what my religion was until I stumbled upon something called 'omnism' in a TikTok and went down a whole rabbit hole about it, and then I realized it was exactly what I had always believed in.
so yea. i'm omnist. (for those who don't know it's where you believe in bits and pieces of other religions are part of the actual puzzle of religion. so like, one part of christianity is true, and this part of Hellenism is as well. like a puzzle.)
mostly rn i've been focusing on Hellenism, which is literally just Greek myth as an actually religion, I made some altars recently worshiping a few gods.
so yea i'm finally happy about my religion :3 -
It's been a spiritual adventure for me and I still don't know where I land on anything
I consider myself a deist. I believe God exists and that He loves me but not in the institution of the Church by which God seems to be expressed. I didn’t know about this until a while ago when I took a history class and we were talking about the French revolution and how a lot of writers of this time were deists as well.
I consider myself an omnist agnostic. I don't care about religion, but I also think there's bits and pieces that hold true in each religion.
Also, I think that how the universe formed in a scientific thought is way more fun to think about than just "God made it".
I grew up Christian and never really connected to it. I hate church, it feels like a giant waste of my time. I never cared about the Bible, despite taking time to understand it. I never felt that lack of religion was ever an issue, nor does it remove all sense of morals.
I also have a few personal issues left over from growing up that way, but that is probably a story best left for my vent thread. -
Honestly, my religion has been interesting for the last few years of my life.
I first believed in Christianity, but some things didn't make sense. Like one being is perfect? It doesn't work with me.
I found Greek mythology and it just made a lot more sense, the Greek Gods and Goddesses have the same issues we do but they're immortal. I really like Artemis because she seems to be trying to be a good person.
Then I'm just generally a weird person. Like, I have an obsession with the middle ages and witchy things.
Finally, I found my religion. I believe in Dianic Wicca.
That's me, a witch. -
Satanism. it needs a different name because its atheism but with the rules of "don't be an a--hole, love yourself, and stay true."
i grew up christian (baptist) in a pretty religious family but now that has devolved more into agnosticism for me. i hold a certain amount of reverence and fascination for all religious figures, but i can’t claim something i haven’t seen with my own eyes is real.
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