No one catches on.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:20pm
Thread Topic: No one catches on.
When I tell you that you will never understand what I feel and what I'm going through, listen to me! Instead of trying to find a damn solution. Because there ain't one, y'all. You just need to understand that I am a stupid, weak, ignorant, depressed little girl, who will never be the same as she once was. I'm not gonna ever be able to live how I used to. To find happiness in pictures of butterflies, or seeing the rainbows. I won't be the daring girl who raced buses along the sidewalk. I won't be the one who crawled to my family members when I was hurt. I nurse my own wounds now. I am completely ignorant of others help, and I know that may piss some of you off. So, please, just try to get it in your head that I am not gonna heal from this unending pain, and you will never understand.
But just remember,I'm dying inside.I'm fine. -
Audree, that is a choice you're making. That's what it is. Sure, things won't be like 'the good ol' days', but that's why you have to make 'good new days'. You have to live. And hey, don't you get it that we care enough about you that we want you to live well? That we want you to get better? Do you actually think I don't understand? I do, but I've learned to control it, not let it control me.
I'm not as old and wise as you mother. And it's nice to know some people care. But I am just not strong enough to control it.
Yes you are. It is simply a choice. You can stop, you know? So put that fuking knife down.
I care, that's why I try to find a solution. It may seem heartless and mechanical, but it's how I care. ._.
I don't have a damn knife mother! Okay?! I'm not f---ing cutting, and I probably never will! But I have different ways of inflicting pain upon myself. And since I'm such a f---ing depressed little s---, don't bother. Even when you try to help, it doesn't work, because I'm too stupid to help myself, and to weak to accomplish anything in defeating my depression. Just f---ing accept it already!
And I'm sorry if this ruins our friendship forever or something. And the teas I'm crying are from anger, not pain.
Yep, I was right. God, I'm the biggest motherf---ing b---- out there. I don't know why I've lived so long. If I was God, I would kill me.
No, our friendship isn't ruined. I'm just done trying to change something I obviously can't change. I love you, and I'm always here if you need me.
I don't know if you're actually depressed or not, Audree. But it seems not. People with actual depression aren't as outspoken about it as you are and won't just go out and insult themself for no reason.
It seems to me like you have the same teen angst everyone else has. It's normal and you can cope, but you sound like an ass when you act like you're some kind of worthless s--- that nobody likes. Because you aren't. -
For some, this is true. But I think there are solutions for you. Things will workout.
*work out
I suck at advice which is why I never really post on these kinda threads..but I always read them and try to come up with something,cause I do care.I hope you feel better soon :/
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