- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: hmmmmm....
DO IT. haha you should xD
yeah I'd like to do that someday too... hehe when I grow up I wanna bend spoons with my mind! xDD -
I'm gonna! lol,I always do stuff like that to annnoy him,and he does the same back.Its pretty funny.
Lol,yah.That be cool.Like it freak people out at public places,I'd also like Mind -
haha xD when I try to do stuff like that to anyone in my family they get so pissed at me. I usually don't while they're sleeping cuz my mom is just like "you're in so much trouble. go to bed" :P but I always scare my brother like when he's playing video games it's so easy to sneak up on him.
yeah that would be so cool. hehe like look what I can do! and with mind control.. that would be fun xD -
Lol,eh parents.I always piss people off with my pranks and tricks,but they always laugh it off and punk me back.And we all start laughing and what not.I guess cause I usually live with people that are younger or the same age as me.Lol,thats funny.My cousin is easy to sneak up on.He's a really easy target.
Lol,it damn right would be fun.I'd use my powers for evil.XD -
haha. they don't even try to get me back.. I don't think they do..? that would be fun to live with people my age or younger. my family has been SO annoying lately. :P
yeah definately muahahaha! xD -
Lol,they probably don't.Since that will start a prank war XD,and it will never end.I'm at a prank war right now with my friends and cousin.So far its a tie.Its kinda fun,though you have to be serious at the same time and what not.Eh,thats family and what not.I left my uncles place and grandparents cause of that,I seriously hated how they nagged me so much.
Damn right! I shall reak havoc on this peacful trailer park,wit my Good knife and cup. -
yeah. but prank wars are fun... haha. and I have seriously thought about leaving after getting my liscence... but I have no idea where I'd go. one of my friends is moving into his own place soon but I wouldn't want to live with him cuz I hate his girlfriend.
hahaha xDDD -
They are,LOL.I left my grandparents place when I was 17,it started off pretty terrible,so I had to move in with an older family member,till I could handle things on my own.After months of work and effort I'm here.I'm still pretty broke but I'm getting there.I'd suggest moving in with an older cousin or have someone help you out with cash for bills,food,and what not.Thats what I'm doing now.
Lol,oh how I long for that to happen. -
sucks but at least you're getting there. my cousins all live with their families still. and I don't like anyone on my moms side of the family anyways. and my dads side of the family is all really religious and stuff they'd just be like go home. xP
haha it would be so funny, I see on the news there was some guy with a butter knife and a plastic cup terrorizing the town HEY! I know him! xDDD -
Yah,thats true.So far,I have 18 dollars and 23 cents in my wallet,lol.But thats money for myself,I have more but thats for bills and what not.And,oh that sucks.Eh,but I say move when you feel like the time is right.Thats how I did it.
Lol yah XD,I'd attack the camera man with the cup and steal the camera. -
:P hah good thing that's not all you have for everything. and I already have to pay for most stuff myself... once I get my liscence I'm paying for insurance gas the car... i don't pay for our house or heating and ac or groceries. and yeah I probably will. I know my friend wants to get out of her house too. but she's got way better reasons than I do.
xD haha that would be hilarious. like if that would get on the news.... xD -
Damn right,if thats all I had...I'd be f---ed lol.I don't have a car or a liscence(never bothered getting one lol) but I use my cousins truck,I just be careful I don't get stopped.I pay for half of everything,and my cousin pays the other half.And ah,my friend also wants to leave his place,but only because he wants to prove that he could handle things on his own.
Lol it would,I'd be a TV Star! :D I'd also like to run from the cops and hide in an underground cellar.With my Good knife.And Cup. -
haha I live in the city so there's more chance I would be stopped if I drove without a liscence. there's so many cops around especially in my neighborhood. might be cuz there's a rapist who lives around here... and people are afraid to walk in the woods where I always go, by myself. I always have my good knife with me haha. and yah my friend wants to leave cuz she's actually abused by her parents... I've actually witnessed it and I guess they're finally starting counciling or something but that would suck.
haha yeah!!!! and haha that would be kinda fun xD -
The trailer Park were I'm at is out of town and its really quiet,my friends have to take a long drive to visit me,so I usually just visit them instead.And damn,thats creepy.There was a rapist who got bailed out of jail who lives were I used to live at.The trailer park is pretty safe,the people are friendly.And oh damn,I feel sorry for her,hope things turn out okay for your friend then.
Lol,it damn right would be,lol well I gtg plot my suprise attack on my cousin and put away my paint,later cool,nice chatting with ya. -
see ya sick. and good luck plotting your attack haha. nice talking to you too :)
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