I have a question
Thread Topic: I have a question
Hear me out:
When puberty hit life became a constant warzone and it's been getting worse ever since.
Like how are we 8.2 billion people and so damn alone?!
I feel like we've always been like this but too dumb to notice (well, untill we grew up).
People got cruel. Everything became a life or death situation.
Time goes on so fast, I feel like our lives are going to waste. Even when I do stuff, what's the point!?
[for context purposes I'm 16]
We're so lost.
Whenever I look for something worthwhile it's like I'm looking for a needle in a haystack. Everything; correction: every useful thing is so out of reach while everything else / the pointless stuff are so damn available. (srry if I'm not clear)
Or maybe I'm wrong for believing in good.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a strong believer in God, God never disappoints. Guess I'll stick to putting my trust in God. Ppl are no use anyway 😑... It just gets lonely sometimes 😞.
*not me turning to strangers about this*
it's giving ✨ trust issues ✨ -
What things do you consider useful and what do you consider pointless?
i can't really say -privacy reasons-
there’s some things we’ll never know, questions that can never be answered, and as difficult as it is to accept, the best thing you can do is focus on what gives you purpose. i always liked to think of life as an empty canvas; you’re the paintbrush, and the path you take predicts the final masterpiece. you could be an athlete, an artist, a scholar, a musician, a teacher, an author, just not a dinosaur :(( maybe some day though
honestly yeah, everything we do is pointless. finding a hobby might seem pointless because our craft is wasted when we die. living in general might seem pointless because we inevitably die. talking to others might seem pointless because most connections are temporary. even if we influence society after death, would our purpose be to influence society, or something more?
you can set a goal, any goal, for your life to strive toward. and i promise it gives you so much purpose. just do what suits you best and what makes you happy; even if we die, even if our craft’s wasted, even if there’s a lot of unseen circumstances, i believe life in general is a gift. the odds are impossible but we’re still here. just do what you love 💛💛💛
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