Fire in the Dark
Thread Topic: Fire in the Dark
This is okay. We got this...
We do. We have this under control. I will take care of the body's hygienie and eating. I will make sure it gets done. ๐บ -
For them, you have to eat. It's what they want you to do. But also for yourself. Eat, children. It helps. ๐บ
I don't feel right. The cramps are less, but since we're stoned, I'mma call Crystal.
People don't seem to understand....
I worry that Blizz is starting to dislike me.... Maybe they do really think I'm weird....
Like everyone else....
They have to think I'm weird! No way they like me!!! They hate me now, don't they? They hate me, they hate me..... ๐ถ -
They don't really like me. Neither does Crystal. I'm just becoming an annoyance....
I only bother people. I can't do anything useful. People hate me....
Blizz must be starting to realize that and hate me. That's why they aren't on.... ๐ถ -
Do they really hate me? I know they say they like me, but do they hate? Hate us? ๐ฑ
They say they don't hate you.... Hopefully they don't hate you... Keep that in mind...
I am happy I could help, XD. That isn't my own advice, though.... I have Blizz to thank for all that. They were the ones who told me that stuff. I hope it helps...
You got this Citrion. We won't blet them hurt you!
Hi, hi!
Verbal tiks, tiks.
Barking, meowing, it helps. But then there's the swears. -
It's okay. All's gonna be good
Little twitchy and shaken up
Now I really feel like a piece of s**t...
Well, I'm not going to school. I can't
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