Dancing In The Rain
Thread Topic: Dancing In The Rain
A squish is a platonic crush and it makes me happy to see the silly online and I like talking to em and I wanna be their friend SO. DARN. BAD
kinda wanna write poe a tree
but make it aNgStY
OSFJAEMFS IM WHEEZING this dude's voice acting is immaculate and now PJO won't look the same
You helped me pull myself out of the deep end
Feelin better than I did a while ago, probably shouldn't even bother
It's not like anyone will listen to me or be able to help if we're bein honest, it would probably just make things harder for me
If things escalate ig I'll do something but until then I'm just gonna try and put it behind me
Honestly my friends are so sweet 💛 esp the one who let me talk to them, they were so supportive and helpful and I really needed another perspective
Half considering just going bye bye from online social media stuffs altogether, but I'd miss my friends and I have too many ongoing projects
Hate how the pressure is always put on the victim to "be better" and make things right between them and the abuser. It is not your job to make things all happy jolly between you and the person who abused you. It is the abuser's job to fix what they broke and accept that you may never forgive them
This also applies to abusers who don't intend to abuse others, because everytime people talk abt abusers it's always in the perspective of some 100% evil demon who's bad all the time and mean all the time. That's not usually the case. A lot of times the most potent abusers can have brief moments of sweetness, or even long times of sweetness before the veil falls
Because if they were cruel to you all the time, they wouldn't have so much control. But if they get you to love them, then they have much more control over you because you will defend them and say "well they're nice sometimes"
I think a lot of abusive people are incapable of recognizing their own behavior as abuse, and justify it somehow. That's the only thing that makes sense to me
Anyways I don't even know why I'm rambling abt this but I see it around often and I guess my brain finally blurbed something out
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