Dancing In The Rain
Thread Topic: Dancing In The Rain
Also if women get angry, they're overreacting but if men get angry, it's just reacting. If women cry, it's "oh poor thing we need to protect her" but if men cry, it's "stop being such a baby, man up"
We are all singing. We may not be singing the same song but we are singing together
I think sometimes we focus too much on the dividing factors like politics and religion and forget that we all share this Earth together
Built like a toenail and u smell like one too
Deceny is no longer the bare minimum ig
I have too many things to deal with to concern myself with the nastiness of an insensitive pee baby
And now I pop off into the abyss once more, bye
Honestly I could be frustrated but I'm gonna laugh and move on LOL
Like at least me and this one person are chilling and having a good time in this lol bc like what
Anyways š· I could be petty but I'm a child of God and it is my responsibility to emulate Christ in my life
I have to physically restrain from roasting people sometimes tho lol, like I could and they're asking for it, but nah
I gotta be better than that instead of being a lil punk like the old me wants
Begone old flesh, I'm a new spirit
Thinking about the fact that my future husband could be dating another girl right now is crazy
Hang in there babe, the clown of your dreams is on the way
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