Another Venting Thing
Thread Topic: Another Venting Thing
I’ll pack myself up in a box and mail myself to u
I’ve been stalking the forums all day and I still haven’t posted anything at all
Make sure to put "fragile" on the box so they don't toss u around
Honestly Idm haha
My friendgroup’s falling apart
I thought we were all friends until people started having problems with eachother -
Alex S
Dislikes: Maria, Chloe, Jordan -
Dislikes: Maria, Chloe, Jordan, Alex D, Ryan -
I mean I think everyone sort of disliked Maria to begin with, we just didn’t tell anyone because we were scared no one thought the same thing
Maria - Tryhard, thinks she’s super popular with everyone, will abandon you at the first sign of weaknesses, thinks she’s smart and pretty and popular, won’t shut up about how much she talks, kind of late to every trend while still thinking she’s cool, just being the awkward one sometimes.
“Well, you know me, I talk to everyone.”
“My color’s light pink, it means I’m pretty and popular.”
“Look at me, I’m fat!” (She’s not) -
Jordan - So over-dramatic, liar, flexer (which idm), she can be really nice, hates ruining her reputation, includes everyone, a backstabbed, two-faced
“I didn’t say ‘Bible’, Alex. You need to erase that because especially since I’m Jewish it makes me look like I actually said that.”
“That’s sexual harassment.”
“Elios called me a ____, ____, ____!” -
Chloe - Really nice in general, ignorant, loud (idm I’m her buddy in that), only passes the football to Maria or Jordan
Kylie - Jealous, annoying sometimes, pick-me-girl, gossiper
“Yeah... Maria’s so focused on popularity, she’s not popular or pretty.”
“Ryan’s a status-climber.”
“Jordan’s just jealous that Danny likes Ryan, but honestly Jordan’s kind of ugly.” -
Ryan - Pick-me-girl, changes crushes too much, kind of hard to talk to, rude, status-climber, gets angry too easily
“Well you didn’t have to tell him I liked him, it’s really rude and that’s not your information to tell.” -
Alex D - Nice, rude, obnoxious as hell sometimes, manipulative, main-character vibes
“Stop interrupting me I’m talking.”
“Shut up!” -
Alex S - Was my best-friend in 4th grade, it’s hard to talk seriously with her, annoying sometimes, childish
“No Becccaaaa!”
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