what is your position on the topic of
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:15pm
Thread Topic: what is your position on the topic of
I don't do drugs(I only smoke cigarrettes),but I got no problem with those who do use them.
oh gee. I made this thread cuz my friend asked me to come over today and I did. she does drugs and a couple of her friends were there theyhad pot....
I was just like fine and tried some, thinking just a tiny bit and it would wear off it time oh for sure.... I don't know how many hits I took butthen I started choking and stopped for a little while. at first nothing was happening then I could tell they were high then it felt like I woke up from a dream then it felt like I was dreaming and I kept waking up but I was still dreaming and it was the most fristrating feeling. my friend brought me upstairs to get a drink then they told me to eat. but instead of having the munchies I felt like I was gonna puke.
I was totally tripping when I was upstairs with her then we went back downstairs. I couldn't f---ing think straight and I wanted it to stop. they kept trying to get me to take another hit but then I was just like no! and I went over and laid down on the couch. I was waiting for it to wear off so I could ride my bike back home.
but by 4 it still hadn't worn off and my friend was getting worried that her mom might get home. I had to leave. they had kept going for an hour longer than I did. and I felt like s--- and wanted so badly for it to stop and I kept saying that.
finally I called my mom it was so hard to concentrate enough to talk to her on the phone. I was pacing around my friends living room and kept wondering how I got from one side of the room to the other. I asked my mom to come pick me up and then I said 'and um, theyhad marijuana.' my mom said 'what!!!??' and I said she should come pick me up and we could talk later. she said 'yes, yes.' and she sounded japaniese.
I went back downstairs I was tripping so bad I felt like I didn't call my mom. finally, like a minute later but it seemed so long but so short time had passed, we went outside cuz my friend wanted us to leave. my mom came right after we walked outside. I helped put my bike in the car then we drove home. I was so f---ing stoned I kept thanking my mom and saying we'll talk about this in a couple hours.
we went home and I laid down in bed. then I was starting to feel better and took a shower. then I started tripping out again and it was pissing me off. when I got out my mom seemed to be hinting that she had tried pot before. I just went back to bed.
my dad got home and my mom told me that she said to my dadthat I just didnt feel good. I said why? and she said you want me to tell him? and I said no, I will. so I had her get my dad. I told him what happened and tried to be really mature about it so they wouldn't get mad. I still felt so high when I was tellin him. I think it's finally starting to wear off now but I still feel really weird.
god it was the worst f---ing feeling in the world. I can see why some people would like it, but I like to think, and I always hate the feeling of when I do something stupid in my dreams, and it felt like a dream I kept waking up but I didn't get that amazing feeling of relief when it felt like I woke up. i just kept dreaming.
it was really pissing me off cuz I was trying to think and I wanted to go home and go to sleep I wanted it to stop I wanted to wake the f--- up.
it f---ing burns your throat. it made me feel so angry and frustrated cuz I couldn't wake up. and it smelled bad. but good thing is, I didn't really notice my cat allergies. she has a cat and right away I was feeling allergies but then that went away. -
oh ozz...
so my friends, please, if you are pressured into drugs, make sure the first time you do it you have plenty of time.. -
jeez that was some strong s---. it's been like 3 or4 hours and it just kept going and going. it's not good when you're still tripping but you want so badly to be back to reality. I was trying so hard to think. if I had been better timing or something maybe I would have had more fun. but it sucked.
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