I mix the good and the bad...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:15pm
Thread Topic: I mix the good and the bad...
I don't get it, at all.
When something good comes up and then something bad happens (it could be something small) I mainly focus on the bad and forget the good. Which is getting out of hand lately, it causes more depression that I can't handle. First, it makes me all bipolar, then I get super depressed and think about cutting myself, then I get an anxiety attack and get all emotional and cut myself.
I need to stop cutting myself, it's been getting addicting, it doesn't bleed or anything when I cut but it gives me some small cuts and scars and BRUISES. I already have to medium-sort of big-not really- bruises on one arm and one on the other -.-
Seriously.... when will this ever end? :\ -
I took this anxiety quiz :b looks like I have it... big time
You often:
find yourself thinking about bad things that might happen in the future
have a powerful, ongoing fear of social situations involving people you dont know well
feel overwhelmed or "stressed out"
have unrealistically high expectations of yourself
feel unable to control your anxious feelings
generally feel worried, and have you felt this way for six months or more
worry about disappointing or not pleasing others
feel trapped in or avoid social situations where it might be difficult to escape if you wanted to, such as in a crowd or on the highway
find it difficult to express undesirable emotions such as anger
fear going to unfamiliar places or talking to unfamiliar people alone
avoid the things youre afraid of
experience racing or disturbing thoughts that youre unable to get out of your mind
have habits that you do repeatedly such as checking the clock, checking the door locks, or washing your hands, even though you know it isnt necessary
feel that you must be perfect
feel that anxiety interferes with your daily life
fear being out of control
find yourself using words such as "cant", "should", and "have to"
push yourself to do more, even when youre physically and mentally exhausted
You often:
feel short of breath or have difficulty taking deep breaths
feel tense
feel that your heart is racing
experience repeated panic attacks that include intense fear and physical symptoms
have difficulty concentrating
feel moody or irritable
feel "spacey" or disconnected from your body
feel numbness or trembling
feel dizzy or lightheaded
experience uncomfortable physical symptoms when you think about or are in a situation that makes you feel anxious
You have noticed:
recent changes in your sleep or eating patterns
that you hide your symptoms from others
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