Um... what if....
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: Um... what if....
You saw a drunk bum on the side of the road and nobody was around at all and he was completely passed out and you could see into his open back pack next to him under one of his arms and he had like tons of money, like the bundles of cash all $100 bills that you could see.
I don't care, I just do not care.
Idk why, but I'd probably leave him alone. I might try to wake him up and move him from the side of the road, LoL.
I'd determine how drunk and passed out he was and if he was pretty out of it I'd carefully take the bag out from under his arm and run off or if he wasn't sleeping that deeply I'd take the money right out of the bag and fill up all my pockets and maybe leave him one of the bundles of cash. lol
If he woke up I'd knock him the fudge out. =) -
i'd shut the bag drag the hobo to a safer place to be, then take one or two hundred buck bills for my trouble xD
but i gotta determine if they were real first before i take anything -
If you tired to drag a drunk hobo somewhere while he is passed out and has a crap ton of money he is gonna wake up and shank your ass immediately and take off running. He wouldn't hesitate, he'd ask questions never not even later.
Um,I probably wouldn't do anything.I'd just continue walking.
Awww come on sick! Stop on his face and knock his ass out then run off with the money! :P
XD I guess I'd probably-I seriously don't know what I do lol.
Well I'd hope you'd take atleast a couple of the bundles of cash from the open bag, some drunk bum doesn't deserve all of that and he'd probably lose it some other way anyways.
I probably would,if I really think about it or something.
Hey Sick save me from death *hides behind sick*
Why do you need to be saved by death shady lol?
no u save me from death he is tickling me and is trying to make me piss my pants
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