Hoping For My Future
Thread Topic: Hoping For My Future
I’m actually so terrified right now for the women, colors, etc. This is actually so bad if trump wins I’m saying we are cooked for this generation. Project 2025 is nothing but ass. We don’t know if Kamala is going to win but I am lowkey PRAYING and BEGGING and MANIFESTING she does because I want rights and trump aint gonna give ANYBODY that.
america failed women again
Trump won.
Americans failed women, queer people, and POC so badly.. AGAIN. -
Let's just move to Canada-
I will say though, even if he does win, he'll have to try and pass that law through tons of government stuff and possibly state too so I mean
It [I]would[/I] be hard for him to pass laws, if only he didn't have a senate majority and supreme Court majority. The reason this election was so huge was because the Republicans now have untethered access to power in almost all branches of government and have a supreme Court ready to back their every decision.
I'm moving to Sweden or Norway in two years I cannot handle America anymore
I’m actually so sad right now cus of this Orange vitamin C pack winning, this will be going on for four years…I’m now gonna move to China with my intermediate Chinese, I’ll learn it on the way…🗣‼
I want to move to Sweden or Norway :0
also china isn't any better. honestly, the whole thing needs to be inspected. the fact the orange with a wig won is downright concerning and sus. -
america is not great when censorship gets enforced and rights get taken away
just saying. -
america js sucks in general, i dont get how people do not see the bad in this man.
that's what i'm saying! i'm probably gonna end up a swede girl before the next election
Let's just move to Canada-
I would but I gotta avoid the entire eastern side for personal reasons -
on top of that he has like, what, 70+ criminal cases? he's a convicted felon!!! that's what's so messed up about America frfr, they don't care
Listen, I don't really like Trump as a person, and I'm sure he'll do many things that some people love and others hate, but I'm genuinely confused why people are freaking out. I understand if half (well less than half, considering the popular vote) the country is unhappy and dreading the next 4 years, but freaking out? He's already been in office before and was it really that bad? I mean everyone should already know what to expect...were things so bad in 2018 that you felt like you had to move to communist China?
And no one in the trump administration has endorsed Project 2025 so I think that might be a little hysteria
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