My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
I kinda want to go and buy a skateboard. I mean, I own a scooter, rollar blades, an ebike, and a whole as motorcycle. I might as well complete the list. 😂
Guess I’ll go shopping alone. Hmph.
It’s just $9.. I think I’ll just wait till next pay to officially buy it. .-.
I was going back to read something, and I noticed Jody got SAed by a girl. Nothing “major” but sa is still sa and I feel bad.
And he was unconscious
And only one person witnessed it and didn’t say anything.
Bruh I hope this vinyl remover works
Bruh it works but leaves the residue of it. Hopefully the ink covers it
Yo they came out almost perfect. 😭
My sister’s definitely need a second layer of ink but!!!! They came out better than my test subjects.
Waiting for them to dry for the second round!
Screen printing requires lots of patience tho
Noooo I kinda smudged A’s…
Gonna kms now 💀
I’m actually gonna do the second layer another day.
I dont want to work tomorrow
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