My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
ok but
vixx guide:
-the leader
-drama queen
-will give you a stank look/glare
-likes attention
-the darkest one
-rapper and the only rapper in the group rip
-looks scary but is actually the sweetest
-the second MC
-chubby cheeks
-owns Hongbin
-loves cats and kids
-quiet asf
-will glare daggers at you if you touch him or piss him off
-looks scary but is actually shy
-will only talk if you let him sing first
-main vocal
-the artwork and visual
-low af notes
-the actor
-the loud funny one
-likes to wink and blow kissy faces
-can hit those high notes f---kk
-evil but sweeter than N
-cute muffled-like vocals
-barely gets lines >> -
i need to go to bed
"So you were being rude to my employees?"
YES. He was. Just because we didn't sign his damn papers while you were gone. -
"No ma'am."
L i a r. -
Okay. I decided to be out of commission when I get off work. I'm not up for any conversation as I might just sleep the rest of the day or watch yaoi/VIXX videos. I most likely will sleep and relax.
I ended up sleeping.
I'm currently going through that "I want to be dead" feeling. And the closest thing to death is sleep so. I might just go to sleep early again today (after church). Want to rest in peace and not deal with anyone/anything. Just sleep. Sorry if you want to talk. I'm just tired of life rn and sleeping is peaceful. -
Let's get this b---- straight.
I've been feeling so f---ing awesome lately. While most of you are suffering from stress and other bulls---, I feel more alive than ever.
Tip: Sleep more.
Tip: Ignore everyone/everything and focus on yourself.
Tip: Sleep some more.
Really f---ing works. I don't know how, but it really has been making me feel.. so much better?
I might not have a job in the next few days/week. Our GM (general manager) QUIT. She.. q u i t. It's still hard to believe. Like damn. So our store has no GM anymore. I mean, I called her a snake and everything.. But I honestly feel like they plotted this whole thing out.
I appreciate you for being there for me when I needed it, but honestly f--- you, Cat. You're the real snake
C.. f--- you too.
f--- all of you in that "group". True snakes in one pit. But a real big f--- you to the one who argued about overtime. The one person who made her give up.
Also, special f--- you to the coach area who wrote me up. :) You suddenly hired six new people because you heard we were going to quit, right? ;) Who told you? Oh was it your b----? Or was it the Cat? Both of them love to suck your d--- so???
Funny how my mom, sister, and I have a star next to our names. Funny how no one is putting up the next schedule. Are you scared?? We want to see if we're on it. :) if not, that's fine. This job is s--- anyway. The person who gave me this job is gone. She quit. And she's happy now. Don't really blame her tbh.. I'm happy for her. Thankful she gave me this job right off the bat.
Quitting this job will make me even more happy. I'm only here right now, because my mom is. She wants to see the new schedule. Meanwhile I don't care. I don't want to come tomorrow.
To the new people.. Jesus christ, good luck. You'll need it. Γ°ΕΈβ’Β
Time to go now. -
I should probably block every snake I know. Or unfollow and hope they don't notice.
I've gone a long way. I'm actually strong enough now. Emotional wise. -
I can't express how happy I am. Aside from the fake bs at work.. It's so weird.
Sleeping cures.
My connection is on and off and I want to cry, tho. xD I need a new phone.
I haven't watched any VIXX videos in a week. It's torturous.
And I don't want to bother having a conversation with anyone. I have no desire. -
That and bc no internet :c
Okay. Serious question. There's this new guy at work.. He's trans... Um. And he's cute? Does that make me gay or straight?
Like.. He has facial hair and s--- man.. Didn't even think he was trans until someone told me.
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