My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
Oh xD
SG: xD Nah, but I wish I was.
Mhm. Let your dork self shine, man. xD Really? Is that a usual thing for them? Them ignoring you a lot? You're welcome. -
:D + :D= :DD
At first I thought that was a real quote. xP I wouldn't say a lot, just sometimes. -
Deanna, sometimes I wish my birthday was much later in the year, rather than early. Like, around October-December. xD
Ro~:D3 Admire my butt chin. -
Nice butt chin!
Psh, I just have a way with words. Oh, I'm sure they'll come around at some point. In the time being just try to stay happy and don't let things get you down too much.
I'm gonna go now. It was nice talking to you. Bye guys. -
SG: Mines in December. Wanna trade? :o
Okay, bye!
I don't like when people use Tinypic to upload photos because this is what I always get:
Adds. Adds and no picture. -
I use imgur for images.
Imgur and postimage are the best tbh
Omg -
Lol, its the only site I use for such. :P
Lol typo fail. -
Good ^^
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