I writed a song, too. :3
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:19pm
Thread Topic: I writed a song, too. :3
Curses. I guess it's a lost cause. e.e
Maru that's great that you're writing a song.
Writing? Oh, no. I've finished them for now. x3 Yay for a sense of accomplishment!
Yes.Yes it is! xD
So hows that song? :3 Could you tell me a bit about it? -
I wrote one about Schizophrenia, one about someone not being there when you need them most, one about clashing intentions, and one about someone losing themselves in sorrow.
All highly depressing, but all finished, and all mine! Yay~ -
That's great Maru. I could never write a sonf.
I was wondering the same thing. -
Wow,depressing. I am just levigating my back right nnow. it hurts like an llama getting spittled e.e
Sunny!~ :D
Poor Jayden.. Carrot, it's relatively easy. Easy to get an idea in your head, something you're paasionate about. Think of ideas that connect to it, and place them all together in a song format. It's gotten me through many songs. These are a few I've written:
Schizophrenic (You're Such a Human)
Black Roses for my Beloved
I Am Your Misfortune
Killing Game
Your Last Day
I am depressing, aren't I? xD But I love the way they sound. So I'm happy. -
Hey Gir!
*huggles* -
Hi Gir.
I'll try it Maru. -
*huggles back* o.o Ish Sunny okie? :3
Yay Carrot~
Why wouldn't Sunny be okie? 3: -
B'cuz Gir is usually tackled, Sunny never huggled Gir before. :3 Teehee...
Yay! Your the first persson i said it and you didnt not go wtf.
Me: Hey
Friend: Whats up?
Me:I am just levigating my back right nnow. it hurts like an llama getting spittled e.e
Friend:.... *backs away*
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