I feel like dissecting something.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: I feel like dissecting something.
My parts? Special jars? Ehhhhh? o.o
um citti do yuo want something to disect still?
Werewolfzoey NoviceYou know, you could dissect some of my bone.....
*holds up a jar of intestines in green jelly* I'm missing a few crucial organs, I've only ever been able to get my hands on males. I need a woman...
Sound desperate.
Heph: Sounds messed up. -
here *gives citti a woman*
...I'm kinda of using most of my parts, dude. Oh! But I'll give you my uterus! x3 I don't need that.
Werewolfzoey NoviceTake Peggy!
Umm I'll give you my sister
=_= Oh hush up.
No, I need someone special. Someone...er..I guess I don't know how to put it into words. But basically, no random woman off the streets.
That would be useful...might I get it myself? -
Sure but my sister isn't a random person off the street I don't think anyways
BuffySummers NewbieMe!
If it's okay with Hephy. x3 Take the eggs as well. I don't feel like having babies.
No, NO. Neither of those two will do. I know neither of them.
Umm take Buffy she called me a demon
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