Well then.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Well then.
Or just have a Torah shoved in their face. .3. That would be fun...
;D "Hello, miss! Have a free Torah, courtesy of your local Jews~! *thwack*" -
Exactly, fire. .3.
:D Yay!
I've read that Marilyn Monroe became Jewish. :3 -
Lana: I'm sorry, but I'm laughing my ass off just picturing that, and their faces... x'3
Manderoo: I am too. x3
Ana: Many famous people were born Jewish or converted later on in life. c: -
Oh God...there's this teacher at my school (I go to a Catholic school) who's...er...over religious, I guess is the term. Legit, I walked by and heard him say something about gays and going to hell. xP
Schweet. :D
I really want to go to Israel someday. :3 -
Mandy: .3. He's a moron.
Ana: I'm planning to go there next year. A lot of my ancestors fled after World War II, over half. We want to see if we can find out what had happened to them. I'm. Scared to be told though. Dx -
Lana: Yeah. That's what I thought, considering there's a chance I could be bi.
I'll be right back
D: Shoot, I'd be afraid too! A lot of sad things have happened over their. I hope that whatever you find out, you're given some sort of piece of mind. You come from a strong people, Lanai. Having faced so much hatred that still prevails today.
I'll have to sneak on and follow you then though. xD Then you can teach and show me all kinds of cool Jewish stuff. :D -
I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'd be better off not knowing... But being left wondering is just as bad. Who knows, some might still be alive.
;D Oh, definitely. I'll teach you Hebrew and all kinds of stuff. Must buy you a yamaka, even though women don't wear them. XD Souveneirs! -
Okie Mandy.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Yay! :D I would love to learn Hebrew! I'm actually considering it. (Gosh, I'm sorry if I sound like a fangirl sometimes, I love Jewish things. xD) Yayz for yamakas! xD -
My best friend Jenna is completely obsessed with all things Jewish. xD So, yes, you sound a bit fangirlish, but that's okay. I appreciate it.
Ooh, really? It's a great language to pick up on. ^^
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