- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: ...
AZY Junior@KW: idk i'am bored and i'am chatting on yahoo mail.
@Selena .-.
@Azy Okay. -
AZY Junior@Kw- do you have a yahoo account?
@Azy Yes
AZY Junior@KW- what's ur name on it? :]
AZY Junioryou okay selena? .-.
@Selena Try emailing him again.
@Azy Name as in? -
I don't want to.
AZY Junior@kw: like your name when you login. it says hello(ur name here)
@Selena Okays.
@Azy Kiandra -
AZY Junior@KW- nice name :]
AZY Junioryour welcome:]
How are you?
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