So strange.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: So strange.
Moshi? I suppose so.
Indeed. Ignorant people. And how to guys can't hug without being considered gay. -
Whatever you say, Momo. Cheshire should probably warn her to watch her ears from now on...
Momo! ^.^ -
Teachers can't be nice to students in a friendly way without being considered pedophiles, damnit! -.-
Exactly. It's funny, I think people who are that sensitive are just insecure with their masculinity/femininity.
AZY Juniorthx my moshi ^.^
*cuddles* I wouldn't mind if you slept on my legs. You'd keep me warm. :3
Mari doesn't usually mind either. Though it does make it hard for her to get up and get ready for school.
And Cheshire can keep you warm now!
*snuggles closer*
Darn it.. Cheshire is not a warm Chain.. -
Yes you are~
I must go get my next four hours of sleep. I fell asleep around 7:30 - 8 and woke up at 10. I need a few more hours. x3 You can join me if your Mari doesn't mind. -
Oh oh oh oh! Let Cheshire ask!
*comes back*
Mari says Cheshire can have a "sleepover" with Momo as long as he's back in time to go to school with her tomorrow. Is that okay? :3 -
Okay. :3
Likely Kieran would help get you out before Jiro has to go to school. since Evan and Jay come to get him. And Jay's allergic to cats. :B -
Nyaa~ Cheshire will just leave about an hour before Mari's supposed to go.
*says goodnight to Mari*
*back again*
Mkay, Cheshire's ready. ^.^ -
*pats bed* Don't mind Minnie. She just likes my feet.
*curls up over Momo's legs*
Hello Minnie. -
She's not a mean kitty just don't pick her up. xD
*pets* Good night, my dear kitten. -
*purrs louder*
Goodnight Momo~
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