- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Hey!!
AZY Juniorhi zoey.
Werewolfzoey NoviceHi azy!! Hi k3vin! Are we still doing the soap from yesterday?
AZY Juniorkevin!!
I guess?
Hey Daisy!!
AZY Juniorwhat's up?!
manders Junioryeah ...long story lol and eh im alive :]
*walks back in* what happened to everyone else?
AZY Junior@angelic: they left me :`[
@Grace: yay ur alive ^--^ -
they did? Hmm badeth friendeths for ditching
AZY Junioruh-huh
AZY Junior
i the heck can i do around here?! its like i cant hold a good conversation anymore!.........................ok my moment's over
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