- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: OH GOD.
Alana: People in middle school are fucking bully machienes. Everything I do, everyone calls me an emo slut. ;~;
Tori: *hugs* I'm sorry. And please, never do it again. I don't want to see you get hurt anymore, sis. ;~;
is your bro a snitch????????
Mandy: I'm gonna try my best... I swore on my life to my brother... ;~; /hugs back/
hopefully hes not a snitch. sorry i called you a emo. i fell into rthe propaganda of humaniy. your not a emo.
Dude don't cut,really.I used to,once in a while I still do.But I'm working REALLY hard on stoppig.
Like..its like,it doesn't do anything to help! It only causes more stress,because your gonna be freaking out about how to hide it and how it hurts,how you regret it,and yet you still have your OTHER problems that made you cut in the first place bugging you and what not.
Welp,now your found out man.Maybe its for the best,really.You'll get help.I wish you best of luck getting out of this. -
@Tori I am your family. And I regret calling you slutty so much. T_T I'm sorry. :'(
Tori: I relate to the bully machine thing. xP
You listen to screamo, you're emo.
You don't smile all the time, you're emo.
You like one guy, you're a slut.
You try to ask a guy out, you're a slut.
You don't like mainstream crap, you're weird.
You don't wear "in" clothing, you're an outcast.
You don't have 500 "friends", you're a loner.
Good, I need you to live. -
What the hell is this? Those insignificant kiddies are making fun of you? This does not go over lightly with me. You're wonderful, I'd die for your body, Tori. If I wasn't a billion miles away, I'd hit them. All of them. They're lying right through their teeth. They're all jealous of you because they know they can never be as great as you are. They know you're becoming something great and they're afraid that someday they won't be just that. Worth it. So they take it out on innocent people just like you. You have to realize that what they say is never true, not one bit. You can conquer this insecurity and feeling of being lost that you currently have, but the only way is to reach out for help. Instead of going at it alone, you can have those who you love backing you up. I've been through the same things. In fact, I've been going through it for the past few years. You can't keep letting their words bite at you... After a while you start to lose yourself to them. Don't let yourself get that far gone like I did. If you reach out to your family for help, or even some close friends, you can definitely turn things around. If you need support, I'll be right here, helping you every step of the way. Please don't hurt yourself, Tori. You're worth so much more than that.
awesome: Its fine...
sick: ._. I'm going to try to stop. I'm gonna put like a pillow on my arm or draw a butterfly on my arm...
Teresa: Its fine. we forgive and forget. :) -
At least your parents didn't find out. . .
i agree with alana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mandy&&Appay: Thats true. :o
Alana: ;~; Ohmygosh.. Thank you. -
@Tori Thank you.
Name the butterfly after me. ._. Then if you want to cut, name one after Ben. If you want to cut again draw another and name it after someone else. You cut yourself, you hurt us. -
Appy: And that's only about 1/20 of it. xP People can never just mind their own f---ing s---, and leave others alone.
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