Heh. Cue evil laughter.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Heh. Cue evil laughter.
I has mustachio. -
Very cool, Mom.
You will be my secretary? For as long as I want you to be? COOL! :D
Commence thread stalking operation 4.3...
o3o' Oh... Erm... Hey there. -
Hey dar lana.
Correction: Hey dar injured Lana. .3.
Stupid person thinking L owns me.....
What'd you do ninjew?! D:
Andwhydoyoustalkmythreads? -
x3 I only stalked this once.
Soccer. I was in goal, kicking fuking ass if I must say, when I go for this amazing save right? And then here comes this big giant player, "FEE FI FO FUM IMMA CRUSH LANA." And indeed they did. >:'( My arm is black and blue and three times the size it's supposed to be, damn it. -
Awww, poor Lanana. I'm the secretary. so I get the ice packs and stuff. *goes to freezer and gets ice pack for Lanana*
Hell yes, man. o3o' And now I have to type with my LEFT HAND. This should not happen. Not to mention the fact that I won't be able to play in the tournament on Thursday. Dx WHY MUST LANA-LYNN ALWAYS BE CRUSHED BY PEOPLE. IT'S NOT HER FAULT SHE'S AN AGRESSIVE GOALKEEPER. PEOPLE NEED TO KEEP THEIR FURKING FEET OFFA HER.
c: Thank you, Mandy. -
No. No. I shall conquer whoever hurt my Josephine. Who did this treacherous deed?
o3o Big bad girl from West Hartford. And she laughed, man. She furking laughed in my face. Why would she do that!? Does she take joy in hurting small innocent Lanas?
God damn, now my arm's quivering like Hell. This isn't good. This isn't good at all. .-. Do you think it's broken? I can't move it all that much. A fracture?
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