Cheshire Demands Only...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Cheshire Demands Only...
awesome89 NoviceYo welcome! And zom if you think your stronger than then let's fight! (Claws unsheath.)
princesssarah NoviceWhat doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger fighter! *singing*
***flicks wrist and you are just a human*** Never said I was stronger but I could prob. Eat you if I were in my demon form.
awesome89 NoviceCmon zom... I'm ready for ya...
awesome89 NoviceHey selena I knew you were young but power rangers?
Cheesy is gone, Mommy.
princesssarah NoviceI'm THE PINK RANGER!!!!
@Awe: Long story. I haven't gotten the chance to change my picture yet.
@Marvelette: Awww... and today I discovered that I should be Canadian. -
****sighs***** FINE but here's what I look like hope that shows up lets see
Eh doesn't let see if the next one does.
Mommy: Wreally? :3
Marvelette: Yeah. I play hockey like a badass-*SHOT*
Fluttershy is MUCH more appropriate.
BRB dinner. -
Mommy: xD Well then.
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