I misses my friendies
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: I misses my friendies
Aw, well you no lonely anymore~. :)
Yey :') Hehe, so whateth be up? .3."
Listening to music, youeth? :3
Sadly, I'm not done with the ball. But I will need that baby mobile soon... -
Hi, Mom.
And then the lightweight disco ball will be all finished!
Hello, dear. I made your grandfather watch MLP:FiM with me. -
SelBel! *huggles* Oh..and Flibby is only my neice now.. -
Oh, well then...
Hello Sisseh ETakos! *hug* Oh, okay.
Bleh, I gotta go to sleep now.
Night Mia!
Night Mommy!
*huggles both* -
Fire: Hehe .3." Whatcha listenin to?
SelBel: Yeah:( -
Nighty night dearie.
ETakos? -
G'nighty Niecey Fire.
Yeah, SelBel? -
Garretthy might be Teresa, Marvelette, and Kirby's father.
._. No way.
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