I hate being a girl...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: I hate being a girl...
@Sam :(
Samantha2332 NoviceAlly: You had sex at 12! What do you expext me to say? High five? Way to go?
@Sam No but if it helps I haven't done it for a long time :(
@alex *cough*way to go*cough* *high fives*
Shut up beast >:|
......srry bro......
Lucyheartfillia NoviceWhy are you guys talking about s3x. You should be older to have s3x
It's fine sorry for getting pissed but you really weren't helping
its s'ok
Lucyheartfillia NoviceI'm only 13..........................
............................................ -
Okay :)
Samantha2332 NoviceAlly: That just means you were that much younger, it doesnt help at all in any way, and only my friends can call me sam, you have to call me Samantha
@Samantha :'( I don't plan on doing it for quite some time I realize that what I did was a mistake and that was the past please don't let my mistakes ruin are friendship
Lucyheartfillia NoviceGUMMY BEARS!!!!!!!!
@alex dont worry im still ur half bro
@sam am i ur friend...or at least aquatance?
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