i got a question...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: i got a question...
*uses shaky hand and points to head but then heart and then both*
****softly shakes head*** silly girl, you just have a little bit of heart ache.... but literally. here ***put's hand on head and whispers words that help the pain***
du kommer aldrig att ha en knsla i vrlden. inte nu aldrig. besten r en vanlig distraktion. Nu ...... bara fortstta att andas ....
***smiles as i finish spell***
*gasps in releif of pain* th-thank you....
***smiles very gently*** anything for a friend ***help Violet get up*** and uh sorry for the um head ache thing ***awkwardly plays with Enfer arrows***
it just my uh mother ya know she's just..she's in control and she wants people to know it....
It's ok.... *gets dizzy when standing* I need to sit down...
k may **leads you to a chair** and thank you by the way for the um kindness you never get that from where i live haha
Ya it's what I do. I'm usually kind all the time well..... Unless someone pisses me off...
haha nice :) sooooooooo can i ask how you and Beast are doing or do i just have to go on living without knowing?
Were doing great but he just disappeared on me
Oookkkk well I'm sorry he disappeared :(
Yeah he's probably just busy.... Anyway how are you?
Me I'm just fine nervous because of the test but fine otherwise
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