- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: COME ONE, COME ALL!
I choose. . .. . . . . ... YOU PEKACHIU I think that's how you spell it xD
Pokemon vs. Muppets?
Muppets! -
Ohhhhhhhhh ok. And MUPPETS 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuve que dejar la primera hora de CSL porque era duro ver y senta mareado y mientras que estaba en la oficina de la enfermera yo puked dos veces.
I had to leave CSL first hour because it was hard to see and I felt dizzy and while I was in the nurse's office I puked twice. -
aww je dteste entendre ce qui suit: (
Mi mam par en una tienda antes de que ella me cayera apagado que puked en el coche pero que tuve que tragarlo porque los asientos son cuero.
My mom stopped at a store before she dropped me off I puked in the car but had to swallow it because the seats are leather. -
O_O tmi
Wow :/ vous devez tre vraiment malade ...........
I haveno idea what we are talking about?
Es verdad l es y triste sobre dejarle que no quise puke en usted.
It's true it is and sorry about leaving you I didn't want to puke on you. -
exactement ...................
*rolls over and pukes in trash and starts spraying febreze like crazy*
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