Soap anyone???
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Soap anyone???
Lucyheartfillia Novice(hello?)
(sorry i fell asleep then I had 2 go to school :3)
I wake up again, this time in something that looks like a giant room inside of a house, but inside, it's like a forest. There's grass, and bushes, flowers, I even see some bugs around. Then I relize that they're trying to see how my instincts change when my form changes.
Unfortunatly, they know that it pretty much takes control.
I run around for a while, kind of enjoying myself, until the with the black hair comes by.
"Ya know, you are kind of cute." He says.
Upon that comment, I morphed into a lion again, and he backed up a few inches.
"Calm down, I'm gonna get you out of here. Just do what they say. And try to impress them." He tells me, then walks away.
I get bored, and start morphing into anything I can think of, like a beetle, a zebra, much everytthing. It took a while for a labcoat to come in and start telling me to do stuff. -
(hi, tori! Me and Sarah are in some weird facility because we got caught. now there's a guy who's gonna try and get me out. I think I killed you...)
(just kidding! I'm not sure where you are.)
(no! )
I am lead down a hall, someone told I am tossed in a room with sarah and...(i forgot ya name) -
(mia, a course)
I keep trying to wake Sarah up, but every time I touch her she disapeers then pops back up twenty feet away. I hear someone coming towards the room, so in an attempt to hide, I morph into a beetle and go behind some plants. -
r u thr?
Lucyheartfillia NoviceI wake up and I see Anna and I think I see mia? (hi!)
I see Sarah wake up, and morph into my usual wolf. "I'm tired of this. They made me pee on a bush, and they made me run laps around a track to see how fast I could run." I mind-talk to her.
You ok?
Men come in the room and drag me out, I kick
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