Soap anyone???
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Soap anyone???
I bark out:What did I say?
Lucyheartfillia Novice"you said I am a wolf. But of course, it comes out as a bunch of barks, howls, and growls."
I morph back. "Oh my god, you can hear me. Saweet! Now I can be a puppy forevers!" I morph back into the wolf, then say,"I'm gonna go freak out some people out there. Wanna come?" I ask as I open the door and walk outside.
I sneak up behind a cop writing a parking ticket, and bark. Then I chase him around until he gets in his car and drives away. "This is fun!!" -
Lucyheartfillia Novice"lol, that's so.-" it felt like someone was watching me? I glanced over my shoulder and saw nothing.
"Hey-wasn't there someone behind you a second ago? I thought I heard him...and smelled him." I say. I head back over, morphing into a husky so I don't go hunger-crazed. "Did you see anyone?"
Lucyheartfillia Novice"no, but I did see a shadow, it creeped me out. Did you see anybody?" I said glancing over my shoulder.
"No, but he was wearing a ton of cologne, and I can still smell him. In fact..." I morph into a bloodhound, because I pretty sure that thing can smell anything. I smell the trail down a few blocks, and then my nose hits somebody's shoe. The person picks me up and says, "Now, I could have sworn you were a wolf just a second ago."
Lucyheartfillia NoviceI catch up to Mia and someone picked her up. "um... Hello?!"
I'm speaking in mia's mind ,"Are you ok?" -
"Ya, I have an idea, don't worry" I answer Sarah.
I morph into the biggest animal I can think of- A tiger-and the man drops me. "I thought so..." He says, and shoots me with a tranq gun.
I feel it hit me, but in the seconds before I pass out, I morph into a german shepard. Then, I go into doggy-dream-land. -
Lucyheartfillia Novice"NOOOO MIA, HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY FRIEND.-" the man shoots me.
I could only say somewords before I blacked out, and they were,"MIA!!! LEAVE MIA ALONE! You WILL PAY FOR THIS.-" My eyelids closed. I heard the man say," good night!" -
I wake up before Sarah, and I look around at my surroundings. I morphed alot while I was asleep, so by then, I'm a duck. I don't to give away my real identity, but I don't particularly enjoy being a duck either, so I switch to a wolf. I stand up, then fall down because I am still weak from the dart. I relize we're in some kind of cell, and I see two people in lab coats giving money to the guy who shot us. I nuzzle Sarah and try to wake her up my mind-yelling at her.
Lucyheartfillia NoviceI heard mia yelling at me in my mind "huh? Where are we?" I said getting up, my leg was hurting really bad.
"I dunno...I'm diiiiiizzzzzyyyy...." I kind of sway around for a little bit, then everything comes into focus, and I morph into a lion and roar at the two labcoats.
"Wow! How realistic! She is definitly a magnificent specimin." one of them says.
"But what's the other one doing here?" The other comments.
I jump up onto the bars of the cell, and put my snout outside of the bars and snap at them.
The first one pulls out a radio and says, "Can we get a muzzle down here? Thanks." -
Lucyheartfillia Novice"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH US!?!? YOU KNOW THIS IS KIDNAPPING DONT YOU!!! LET US GO!!!!!!" I said trying to read their minds. One of the guy with the lab coat was thinking about the muzzle. The other one was deep in thought about how Mia was. I got so angry!!!
I had an idea. "I'm gonna pretend to be sick and hurt, and totally innocent. They'll fall head over heels for me."
I morphed into a wolf puppy, pretended to have a limp. I howled and licked my paw, and cowered in the corner like I was afraid of everything.
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