Soap anyone???
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Soap anyone???
Lucyheartfillia Novice"Ok.."
"Anna? How about it? 'Cause you're going to be the one with the leash."
(oops never mind she had to leave. Continue on, but pretend you made her disapeer or something.)
"Where did Anna go!?" -
sorry, I was doing other stuff
thats okay. Do u want 2 continue?
ya you go.....
"Okay, Anna, can you? It's the only way those people will leave." I look around, but don't see Sarah anymore. "And I think Sarah's gone again!"
I go to the door
"I saw a wolf!"-p
"no its my dog, its a german shepard."
"ok well Ill have my eye on you" she leaves -
*Sigh* "That was close. But how are you going to convince her you have a german shepard? It's obvious you don't, and that lady is going to notice."
"well I thought one of you can change into one for me"
"Well, I've never done that before...sigh...Okay I'll try..." I close my eyes, and think of my neighbor's huge german shepard, running, digging everything. In a few seconds, I open my eyes, and I'm shorter and furry. I bark, just to make sure that I am what I meant to be.
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