- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
I opened a door and saw Lucy standing outside of my door. "Lucy? Lucy where are we?" I asked her.
Lucyheartfillia NoviceThe door opens and I saw violet she asked,"Lucy? Lucy where are we?" "I'm not sure, but there was this figure that jump on me, but I'm glad that I found you, or you found me! Are you ok? Your not hurt are-" I realized that her eye was cut and bleeding. "what happened to your eye?! Did someone hurt you?"
"no no one hurt me.... It's just a cut from a tree bra-" I cut off short when an arrow hit my arm. I cried out in pain. "we gotta go now!!" I said frantically. Another arrow came towards Lucy but I pushed her out of the way and got it right in my chest exactly where my heart is. I gasped in pain. I grabbed Lucy and we bolted. I got another arrow bur this time in my back and then another in my leg but I kept running. We got outside and out of there. I realized we were in the underworld. We went back to Olympus and I collapsed to the ground.
Lucyheartfillia NoviceI started to cry, violet got lots of arrows in her body. One arrow went in her heart because of me! I hate myself. "I need to heal you." I said. Kneeling down on the ground.
I was gasping fir air. All could hear was this really high pitched ringing and blood pounding my ears. So lucy's words sounded like "g fmlg hb jmpt hgt"
Lucyheartfillia NoviceHeld a hand out and it started to glow. I held my hand where her wounds where, the arrows where vanishing when my glow hand was healing the wounds.
I winced in pain when the healing began. I saw the guys running towards us. Alex saw me and he threw himself to me.
Lucyheartfillia Novice"all done healing!" i said with less energy. "where have you two been?" I asked mason and Alex.
I was breathing hard. Alex didn't let go and didn't say a word so that meant he was going to make mason say it all....
Lucyheartfillia Novice"and who was shooting at us?" I asked. Mason stared at me and started to speak,"the demons were the one shooting at you guys. The demons want you dead."
I stared at mason in fear. "why?" I said in a whisper.
"because they said that those, your parents weren't your parents, they were your adopted parents. Your biological parent are the king and queen of the magical world, and also, you and violet are sisters!"
I was shocked. -
As soon ad I heard that last sentence I sprang up ignoring the pain. Me and Lucy looked at eachother in shock them both yelled: "WHAT?!?!?!" I started mumbling to myself.
Lucyheartfillia Novice"how are we sisters? I'm so confused!? If are parents were the king and queen, then who was the parents that we had?" I said still shocked and confused.
I was to shocked to speak. I fell to my knees. I pulled back my hands with my hair in them. Vi started to cry. 'how could this be... I never protected her and I let her down... I gave a promise to mother that I wouldn't let her out of my sight...' I was babbling on and on as the memories came back to me...
Lucyheartfillia NoviceI dropped down to violet. "how come our parents didn't contact us.." I asked.
"because they don't want the princesses to die. We were suppose to protect you guys, but we failed at that, the demons had you in control of your minds, that's how you were got here." mason took a deep Breath and started to speak again,"they had lots of more demons when they came to get you. We're your knights that protect you two." mason said. I got up and start to fly. "I need fresh air." I said flying away. -
I got up transformed into my winged wolf form and flew off without another word. I flew in the other direction of Lucy and I wasn't planning on coming back.
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